We have bought a Wii. Kurt has been wanting one for over a year and I have put him off for a while, but I have relented and decided that it wasn't a bad purchase. We didn't buy each other gifts for Christmas this year (unless you count the blinds duster I ordered days before Christmas and the slippers I picked up for Kurt). We decided that if we saw one for sale, that we'd get one. Kurt mentioned to Jimmy (his brother) that when he went to Target the day after Christmas that if he saw one that he should pick it up for us. Well, lucky day...one was returned unopened and we got it. $300 later...we were set up and playing in the basement.
Meghan got a new game for Christmas, Boogie Superstar. It comes with a microphone and you sing and dance and earn points so you can get more songs to perform to. The songs are mostly High School Musical, Allie and whoever, Jonas Brothers, etc...stuff that I am not too familiar with. Although there are a few that I knew words to. It's Karaoke style, so at least the words are there. After playing it for an hour or so, Julia started to pick up the words and moves that the lady on the game was doing. Here is her rendition, along with her sidekick Jimmy Jams. Warning...what you are about to see is what happens to kids when they stay up past their normal 8pm lights out.
Yeah, not sure that I am a big fan of the hair shaking...my little Beyonce. Anyway...after the girls when back to moms for the night, Kurt and I decided to try it out. I quickly found out that I can't dance (Wii style that is), but I could sing and earn points. Our goal was to earn them enough points to get them some new dance moves and songs, which we did...but painfully when I had to "dance"
Anyway, the past few days have been fun...I have picked up a few games at the library for us to try out. Kurt's newest favorite is the Godfather...although i am not sure he's totally figured out how to actually kill another person yet. Meanwhile, I will just sit by, reading my book giving the aura that I am too good to play a video game. Will I get into it? Highly unlikely. unless there is Dr. Mario or Tetrus...I am not all that into it. I never was a video game girl...just a closet nerd who preferred to read a good book. Which if you see my current selections, are just chick lit, not anything enlightening.