Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another World...

We are visiting Kurt's brother and family for Thanksgiving. It started out on Friday around 4:30pm, Kurt, the kids and mom in the Taurus X (nicer word for station wagon). It continued for the next 13 hours. We made it without an incident. The kids mostly slept, but we did not. I made it until the last hour of the drive and I had to put my head down. i couldn't take it anymore. Anyway, we are all here, enjoying our time with our family we don't see enough. Julia is loving playing with her cousins and their friends who seem to come by all the time. They are all her new "best" friends. She is definitely going to have to go to cousin rehab when we get back...she won't know what to do with herself. Jimmy is loving playing with Pudge and all of Uncle Jimmy's matchbox cars. What he is not loving is sleeping in the pack and play. He still sleeps in a crib at home, which poses a problem on trips. He can't sleep in a regular bed yet, because he hasn't yet. He is quite comfortable in his crib at home and I am in no rush to move him. Although he takes up the entire length of the pack and play and I think he hates it. He ends up in our bed every night at some point.

It's been nice relaxing and not having the stresses of home to have to deal with (school , housework, Christmas shopping, etc). I didn't even turn on the computer until today. It was actually nice. I have read 2 books so far, several magazines. Gosh, what bliss that was. I love to read so much.

I also took the dog for a long run-walk on Sunday. He loved it and I loved being out in the nice weather. It was about 45 or 50. I had a great workout. I was wondering why I barely saw anyone. It was like 10am. Where was everyone? Then I was remembering that everyone in this part of the country goes to church on Sundays and that is where they were all at. I felt like such an outcast. But I was near God for sure...enjoying his creation and taking care of my temple for Him. Church is a state of mind...not a place.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Indian Summer...

I totally forgot that i had taken these pictures of the kids. I took these on November 6th - it truly was the last nice day we had before the cold fall - winter days came. I forgot to load these up, because this was the week of the preschool auction when I was pulling my hair out! Anyway, it was a great day out and I had to get some shots of the kids just being them.

Julia & Jimmy's Kid Party

Last Sunday (November 16th), we celebrated the kids birthdays with our friends and neighbors. Needless to say, there were alot of little people there. The theme was Princess and Superheros...so most of the kids came dressed in their finest. I was pretty sure that Julia would want to be a Princess, but she wanted to be Wonder Woman. Luckily, we were able to score a costume after Halloween for next to nothing. She has worn it a ton already and even wore it to bed one night over her jammies. I am just happy that she's into something besides princess. Jimmy was happy to wear his batman costume...and to look like his bigger friends that were dressed up.

Two parties in two days brought two Costco cakes.
Make a Wish! What do a 2 and 4 year old wish for?
Paige, Julia & Kylie...2 of Julia's best friends!
The kids enjoying their cake & ice cream

Playing with some of their loot.

All in all, we have recovered from the 2 days of parties as have the kids. It was a lot of fun. The kids pretty much stayed in the basement playing, while the adults were able to actually have some conversations. It was a fun night!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Julia & Jimmy's Family Birthday Party

Last Saturday we had all of our family over to the house to celebrate the kids birthdays. It was nice and the kids had a great time. In the past we've done one big party, but this year we decided to split it up and do 2 parties, a family party and a kid/friend party. That was probably a good move.

Although I didn't get a picture of it, the first present that Julia chose to open was from Kurt's mom and the first thing she pulled out was an Ariel Polly Pocket. She screamed so loud. It was so cute. This was the one thing that she really wanted, followed by the Ariel that goes in the tub (which she got from Grandma too).
Jimmy loves cars. He loved getting a few new vehicles to play with. He was getting sleepy, but you can tell he's still having fun. Great Grammie was happy to see him playing on the floor like this. She said she forgot that kids did that until she saw him doing it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Can Elves Make Barbies?

Any parent of small kids who understand the concept of Santa and the great marketing techniques of retailers and manufacturers are really not on the same page. I hate the fine line of greed and childish excitement that surrounds Christmas. I love the joy and pure wonderment of what Santa is to kids, but Santa is not loaded...at least the Santa that visits our home.

Last year each of our kids got 5 gifts and their stockings. I am sure that we did not spend the same amount on each kid, but they are small and they understand how many gifts are there and not how much each of them cost. I tried to explain to Julia how many pennies were in a dime and she did not want to be bothered by that concept. Julia and Jimmy are both obsessed with the various catalogs and ads that are out right now. They both pour over them and rip them to shreds. They both point out things they want and Julia wants to add stuff to her "list." Most of the stuff they want is reasonable, but some stuff is not. Like the $200+ fake dog/fake pony. They are not going to get that stuff. Seriously? I really want to smack the marketing machine that is hauled out for Christmas! My kids are normally pretty good, but my sweet little girl has a case of the gimmes and i know where she got it...TV and print promotion.

My neighbor came up with a great idea and her kids have brought it to our kids. If you pick out something with 3 numbers - that is all that you will get from Santa...but if you pick out stuff that has 2 numbers, Santa can bring you other things too. Julia just told me this today as she was looking at the Target book that we got on Sunday. She told me this set of Barbies in the ad (that my sister has already purchased for her) has only 2 numbers...followed by the question..."Can Elves make Barbies?" I answered yes, because the small Chinese people who are making them probably look like Elves to my 4 year old.

Technology is Great!

I know that I haven't posted in over a week, but things have been crazy over here. Last Sunday was the preschool auction that I am the co chair of and that kept me pretty busy. It still keeps me busy...finalizing all of the numbers and getting rid of all the stuff in my house. i will be glad when i can close it all out. Then this weekend we have the birthday bashes. First a family party on Saturday and then a friend party on Sunday. It will be a busy weekend.

Anyway, today on the way home from Costco, both kids fell asleep. Because I have learned the hard way, they remain in their car seats...tandem snores coming from the backseat, while I sit in the driver's seat in my garage, checking email, balancing the checkbook and now blogging. I think technology rocks.

Even better, my mother-in-law just called...she's cooking dinner tonight! I win - if only they sleep long enough for me to reply to some of the emails in the box - I will be golden.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What a Day!

The weather here today has been absolutely beautiful! Kurt had the day off, which was nice to have him around for a few more days. The kids basically spent the entire day outside playing with their friends. We got lots of outside work done. Much better to do all the winter prep work when it's nice and warm instead of windy, cold and snowy. Part of me thought about putting the Christmas lights up (but not turning them on) because it would beat doing it when it was cold...but I just couldn't do that. It really was the perfect day, until Kurt fired up the snow blower (to make sure that it was good to go). Just hearing that sound made me feel cold on my face and sweaty everywhere else. Thinking that any day now some snow could possibly fall gets me a little irritated.

Election Day Flashbacks...

4 years ago on Election Day, I went into labor with Julia. The entire time I was in labor, we were watching the election coverage. I know, what a way to bring a kid into the world. Just watching the craziness tonight brings is all back. Fortunately for us there is no severe pain and uncertainty....well physically that is.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Clean up the Frickin Potty Mouth!

Kurt and I are pretty good about using appropriate language in front of the kids, although some times things slip. Well, today one of my choice words was repeated out of our little birthday girl's mouth...twice. The first time she was in the basement with Kurt and she was drawing pictures. She asked Kurt if "He wanted her to draw a picture of a Frickin puppy." The other instance was when I was looking for the candles for her cake. "Mommy, where are the Frickin candles?" It's hard to keep a straight face when a little kid says something so bad. We told her that was a bad word and that she should scold us when we use it. Although, I was quite impressed that she used the word in the correct form.

Julia Turns 4!

I seriously can't believe that Julia is 4 now. It seems just like yesterday when I woke Kurt up and told him that we needed to go to the hospital. Just like yesterday when I was in the OR on lots of pain meds, searching all the masked faces looking for Kurt, not knowing what the journey we were about to take would be like. Well, four years have flown by and she is becoming this very funny, thoughtful, smart little girl. I am so proud of her and how wonderful a little girl she is.

We had a great day, just relaxing and letting the kids play. Julia and I went shopping and found a Wonder Woman costume, which she has been wanting so she can play with the neighbor boys when they are other members of Justice League. She was quite pleased with herself today when she came home and put the outfit on. She ran through a few poses and demonstrated how Wonder Woman moves buildings by pushing on the wall. She is so funny.
Per Julia's request for the past 6 months, I made her a doll cake for her birthday. At the grocery store we go to, they have this fancy Barbie Bride cake and every time we are there, we have to walk over by the bakery to look at it. This was my version of it and I think it turned out pretty nice, Julia was pretty excited when she saw it.

Happy Birthday Julia...

Julia got a kick out of the doll from the cake that didn't have legs.

All in all, it was a very happy birthday. I told her that I don't want her to ever get any bigger...her response was that she will always get bigger. I know, but I want to just bottle her up right now, while she is still sweet, tells me she loves me and thanks me for taking her with me to Target. I wonder how it will be in 10 years. Will she still be as sweet?