Thursday, July 31, 2008

Random Thoughts for the Day

I am in a good mood today, despite almost getting run over by a middle aged woman in a jeep as the kids and I were trying to cross the street today. Ugh...we were on our way to the post office and she turns right into us, we have the right of way and the white walker. Whatever. She just didn't want to wait for us to cross the street. Even the man waiting at the light threw his hands up at her. We get to the post office and who is in there...crazy middle aged lady. I almost said something to her, but then thought that an altercation in a government building would not be the best idea. Plus, what role model would I be for Julia when I am calling her a crazy bitc$?

I love egg salad sandwiches. My mom used to make them all the time for us and I used to eat them in the high school cafeteria (that is a little sketchy in itself). I had one for lunch today and it was fantastic. The eggs were still warm and the bread was fresh. It was the perfect combination. Kurt and the kids do not like egg salad or hard boiled eggs. I am mad that Kurt's genes have steam rolled mine and influenced them once again. Oh well..more for me.

The Tigers have traded Pudge for some Kyle Farnsworth guy. I never was a huge Pudge fan. He was a good player, don't get me wrong - he just wasn't my Tiger. Lib on the other hand was in love with him until she heard him speak in his broken English. The loss of Pudge gives my Tiger a full time job and that makes me happy. Brandon Inge has been my Tiger since 2000. Back in the day when the Tigers were awful (ie 2000-2004), we attended alot of Tiger games. To pass the time I'd notice things that didn't pertain to the actual game. One of these was Inge's jumbo tron photo. He sort of looked retarded (i know that isn't PC). So whenever I'd noticed that he was up to bat, I'd say to myself or just to Kurt "How retarded he looked" and sure enough he'd often get a base hit. Our relationship took a new level this year though when he became my boyfriend. It's not all that serious, because we are both married and have families. But I saw a cute Tshirt in February that said "who's your boyfriend? I've got mine" and in a little baseball is #15 Inge. It's cute. Kurt told me not to get it, because he'd get traded. Well, one day I ended up getting it, because i really liked it (and i always get what I want). I was worried for my new beau...would he be depressed because he's been bumped around alot on the field this season? I sure hope he knows I still cared. Well, Pudge gets traded and now my boyfriend is the #1 catcher. Good for him. I am afraid now that he's #1, there will be more band wagon hottie fans that will bump me from #1 girlfriend status. Oh least our seats are right behind home plate so i will see him more often.

Thank you Jesus!

I feel like an African-American old lady that just won the Publisher's Clearing House. Kurt told me last night, so ever nonchalant, that his department didn't do any additional layoffs. This means that he still has a job. THANK YOU JESUS! Not that he was overly worried about his security at the company, but you just never know. I am just so grateful that he's doing something right over there that they need to keep him on to turn the ship around. THANK YOU JESUS!

The power of prayer works ladies and gentlemen, HE knows what's best for us. Keep the other families that weren't as lucky in your prayers. This isn't the best of economic times to be without a job. And one more time...THANK YOU JESUS!

The Cousins are Here

Meghan, Julia, Jimmy & Christina

Kurt's brother, Jim, and his family moved to Kansas City 2 years ago. It was supposed to be a short term assignment, but it is turning into something more. We don't know when they're coming back, but we miss them. Fortunately, we still see them several times a year. Right now, they are here visiting and staying at Kurt's mom's house. It's nice having them here. On Sunday, mom made a big breakfast (complete with sausage gravy & biscuits) and the whole family was there. It was like "old times" when everyone lived in the same area. It was so much fun for the kids (and us too). I am sure that mom is enjoying having more of her family under her roof for a short time.

Julia is beside herself this week. Christina (14) & Meghan (10) are the light of her life and she talks about them constantly. The girls are great with her. I am sure that it is not their idea of the most fabulous time ever to hang out with a 3 year old, but they do. Last night, Julia got to have a slumber party at mom's with them. She came home this morning and was just so excited and had a fabulous time.

We will top off their trip with a visit to Mexican Town to our favorite restaurant, Xocci's. At least we will have some great burritos and guac to help our sadness in that we won't see them until September.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Was I Really Fat?

I have lost about 30 pounds. After being pregnant or breastfeeding for the past 4 years, I figured it was about time to get into shape and get rid of the flab. It was gradual over the winter, but I picked up some momentum this spring and it is pretty noticeable. Kurt also lost about 10 pounds, probably because I removed some of our carb loaded, cheese drenched favorites from our rotation. Really it hasn't been that much of a lifestyle change for us, we're just eating a little bit healthier, exercising more and watching our portion sizes.

The people that have known me for a long time (pre-kids) give me a compliment and it's nice to hear. I weigh what I weighed when we got married, about 10 pounds more than I weighed in high school...not bad. But it's the people that have always known me as a "mom" that can't get over how "skinny" I am. This cracks me up, because I would never in a million years describe me as skinny (Have you seen my butt?). They go on and on about how thin I am and wonder what I did. It sort of takes me a back a little and I wonder, what did they think of me before. Was I that ginormous? I thought that I looked pretty good given the circumstances of the past 4 years. Anyway, a compliment is a compliment and I should take it as that.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Julia & Paige...Friends since Birth

Julia has so many little friends, but the one friend that I hope she always has is Paige. I like the idea of having a friend for a long time like that and we like her parents. Well more like we are stuck with her parents. Paige's dad (Doug) and Kurt grew up together - their yards backed up to each other's. They have so many funny stories to tell and things that they did when they were younger. They even lived together after college when they were young "professionals." Doug's wife Kelly is great too, she has become such a great friend to me over the years. I am so grateful to have her in my life. Paige is 6 weeks older than Julia and they've played together since they were practically born. Sometimes life gets away from us and the girls don't get together for a month or so. You'd never know it...they just take off and play together like they saw each other yesterday. It's just so nice for them to have each other and us to have their parents as friends.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Walk of Shame..

It is no secret that I multi-task to the nth degree. Most moms do. I don't care if you stay home or work outside the home. It is just a fact that you will usually be doing several things at once and half the time these several things are in a state of disarray as you tend to the little fires that pop up along the way. Today was no exception. I felt on top of my game today...I was doing laundry, emptying the dishwasher, dressing kids, picking up breakfast stuff and getting stuff ready for our morning gym trip. I thought I was doing so well. We got to the gym, kids were excited to be there to play with all the kids and I was happy to see a class that I wanted to try would coincide nicely with my cardio plans for the morning. Class was good, I felt the burn, hopped in the shower after, plenty of time left to get dressed and pick up kiddos before the 2 hour limit was up. Ahh - it was all so perfect...but alas it was not meant to be....

I FORGOT TO PACK A BRA! Not that i am a bodacious babe, but I generally don't go in public without a bra. It's just something my mom instilled in me and I like the girls to be a little more propped up. Normally, I'd go with the flow and not worry. But my thin white tank top was not going to be able to hide the fact that I was "out there." Ugh, I know how it all happened and I am ashamed to admit that my multi-tasking got the better of me.

This is the Stay-at-home Mom Walk of Shame....down the LONG hallway where all the tweens sit waiting to see their little tween girlfriends in their Hannah Montana Tshirts. Then to pass by all the moms watching their kids during swim lessons, then trying to get through the 3 generations of non-English speaking family (I need to learn excuse me if about 10 languages), pass by the college age gym workers and finally to pick up the kids at the child center run by a grandma. Then the LONG walk to the car. Ugh. There was total judging going on the entire way. I hope that I don't see my picture forwarded on from one of Kurt's friends that always seems to have humorous pictures of people in bad situations.

The day can only get better from here.

Friday, July 25, 2008

We're Ford Kids

Dear Mr. Mulally - CEO of Ford Motor Company,

We just wanted to tell you that we hope that you keep our dad employed at your company. We love Ford cars and trucks. Just today we rode around our neighborhood in a vintage Mustang courtesy of our neighbor Dan (who also works for your company and would like to keep his job too). This was our first ride in a convertible. We loved it. Here is a picture that our stay-at-home mom took of us.

She sure loves to stay home with us. Maybe if you don't release our dad from his 13 years of service to your company, he'll buy us a Mustang.

Squeeze Hugs to you and the decision makers!
Julia & Jimmy
Kate's sidenote - many of you have asked what's going on at Ford and if Kurt's job is safe. He's pretty sure he's safe, but you never know, they are cutting 15% of the workforce by the end of this month. Keep us all in your prayers, especially those families like us who have already gotten word that they have the rest of the summer off.

Just Julia & Me

Julia and I haven't been out on our own much this summer, we seem to always have that boy with us to bring us down. Well, tonight after dinner, Julia and I hopped on my bike and went to the Library. It was nice to look for books and movies with Julia and not deal with Jimmy wanting out of the stroller so he can rip books off the shelves. After the library, we went to a concert in the park. Julia was pretty excited about going to the Adults Music in the Park. We found a great spot away from the Sinking Sun (as Julia put it) and took in the smooth sounds of Cole Porter, Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darrin and Dean Martin. Some of my favorite music. The singer was really good and it was great background music to watch Julia play. She makes friends so easily, within a minute, she was playing hopscotch with 3 little girls with a big smile on her face. After 5 minutes they were taking pictures together with their arms around each other! Every so often she'd look for me and wave or give me a thumbs up sign. She is so cute. I hope that she always is able to make friends this easily and when she's in new situations adapt so well. On our ride home, she told me that she wanted to come next week, but with Daddy. I think we can do that, Daddy needs to experience what I did tonight.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bribery. The Ultimate Parenting Tool

Some experts say that bribery is not an effective parenting tool. They say that the child will then always expect something in return for doing anything. I think these experts have not lived with a child. And if they did, they were not ultra involved. I wouldn't call it bribery, I call it a reward.

Julia stayed in her bedroom last night and didn't come out at all. The lock did not have to go on. I like the lock, but think she is old enough to have a little responsibilty and know her actions have consequences. How'd she do it? I bribed her, or rather rewarded her. I told Julia if she stayed in her bedroom (unless it was an emergency or she had to use the bathroom), I'd let her spend $10 of her money at Target today. We have to go to there anyway to buy my neice her birthday gift (Happy Birthday Olivia!) for this weekend's bash. Julia gets money at holidays and her birthday. We save it for her and sometimes I let her pick things to spend it on throughout the year.

I say that the $10 was a well spent bribe...she was so proud of herself this morning. I am too.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Julia (AKA The Staller)

Julia is having a hard time going to bed at night. There are several possible reasons. It is so darn light out for so late that I too would have a hard time going to bed. Most nights she doesn't fall asleep until after 9:30 or so (once is is dark). It could also be because she is starting to realize that Mom & Dad have snacks and watch TV after she goes to bed. It could also be because she is 3 and that is what 3 year olds do. We used to have a child lock on the inside of her door so she couldn't get out of her room, but she's getting bigger now, so we've taken it off. The problem is that she comes out of her room about 4 or 5 times before she's down for the night.

Last Night's Series of Events:

8:25 Kate puts Julia to bed. She says she's hungry. She probably is...she barely ate dinner. We said if she didn't eat (homemade ravioli - what is wrong with this little Italian Girl) that she'd get nothing at all. We caved and took her up some pretzels.

8:50 Julia comes out of her room

  • Julia: Someones wakin' me up.
  • Kurt: Who?
  • Julia: Ummm.....Ummm...Baby Duck (a stuffed animal).
  • Kurt: Why don't you just play on your bed for a while with your dolls.
  • Julia going back to room

8:52 Julia comes out of her room

  • Julia: I need help getting my barbies.
  • Kurt: You can get them.
  • Julia: No I can't.
  • Kurt: Yes you can.
  • Julia: Um...I'll give you five bucks.
  • Kurt: You don't have five bucks.
  • Julia: Yes I do.
  • Kurt: I am not taking your money...go back to your room. If I have to come up there, I am putting the lock back on the door.
  • Sound of Julia going back to her room, door shutting.

9:15 Julia comes out of her room

  • Julia: There's too much stuff in my bed, I can't go to sleep
  • Kate: Pick it up off your bed and go to sleep.
  • Julia: I want you to help me.
  • Kate: Just pick it up and go to bed.
  • Julia: But...
  • Kate: If we have to come up there, the lock is going back on.
  • Sound of running to room and toys getting put away.

9:18 Julia comes out of her room carrying a big coffee can of her "mannequins" which are little Disney Princess Figurines.

  • Julia: Umm....This is too heavy, I need help.
  • Kurt: Take it back to your room and go to bed.
  • Julia: It's too heavy.
  • Kurt: Then leave it right there.
  • Julia: I want you to hold me.
  • Kurt goes upstairs to hold her for a minute.

After all this, she is finally in bed. Ugh. This happens every night. I have a feeling the lock's going back on tonight.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Don't Wake A Sleeping Baby!

One of my "jobs" at night is to check on the kids before I go to sleep. I am a night owl and I'm often up until 12:30 or 1am, so it's usually pretty late. As usual at midnight Julia woke up in a crazy night terror that only stops once I put her on the potty. Crisis averted. When i checked on her before I retired, she was sawing logs surrounded by Barbies and Polly Pockets. Jimmy also appeared to be sound asleep, but when I moved closer, he was startled awake. While I wouldn't say he's a light sleeper at all, for some reason I think he can "smell" me and it wakes him up. I used to get irritated when he'd wake up and I'd have to get him back to sleep, but not so much anymore. When Jimmy is awake, he rarely sits still or even wants to be cuddled. When he wakes up, he's quick to go right back to sleep in your arms. It's selfish of me to hoard this love at night. I should get Kurt too, but he's also snoring away (a family trait). Anyway, last night I was struck by how big my baby is. He was laying along my body and his feet were past my knees. While I miss the little baby times, I don't miss all the sleepless nights and sole dependency that went with it. I guess I will take these nights with a sleeping cuddle-er and remember those days when most of my time was spend holding them.

Fun on the Farm

On Sunday, we went to visit my dad and Cindy to celebrate her birthday. It was a big family affair with lots of great food and as always New York Strips! The kids love to hang out at Grandma Cindy & Papa's house. They have fun toys, a pool, lots of cats, a dog, horses and lots of space to run around. But now it has gotten even more cool. Dad and Cindy have bought the grandkids a little John Deere Tractor. It is plenty big for all of them to fit on it and they sure enjoyed it! I am a little jealous, because I never had anything cool like that, I just had a pony. Geez!

Julia takes Jimmy & Olivia for a ride
Jimmy & Julia chilling out! Lib & Olivia
Jimmy shows off his moves and his long eyelashes
Julia & Papa
The evening was complete with Julia stealing some chex mix from Papa's stash. She just thinks that is so funny to find his can of it and then get Grandma Cindy to get her a baggie so she can take some home. This is funny now that she is "being sneaky" and "stealing" - but won't be so cute when she's older.

Block Party!

On Saturday, our sub had their annual block party. It turned out to mostly be a party of those of us that get together all the time anyway. Oh was still nice to have a formal evening planned versus or normal last minute planning. The weather wasn't the best, it was hot and muggy, raining at times, but that didn't stop the fun.

Jimmy crying...this bunks the comment of "He's such a happy guy!"
Julia decorating our driveway
Last year we had a blast using a water balloon launcher and sending water balloons across the street. All the kids got a few tries (of course with help). Later on, the adults took turns trying to nail Kurt on the swingset across the street. He managed to stay dry from that episode. However, our neighbor (and babysitter) got Kurt with a water balloon earlier and I guess she got a run for her money from a 37 year old guy. Kurt couldn't remember the last time he ran that fast.
Jimmy doing the launcher. Safety first - he has on Julia's helmet...just in case.

Kurt helps Julia launch a pink balloon (as if she'd pick another color!)

The kids were all up late and the adults even later. We ended the night in our garage (because it was raining) listening to an 80s flashback station, trying to guess the year the song was out. Thank God for Google.

The next morning was a little rough, but we recovered!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

We are melting!

It is like 90 degrees out today and it was the day we picked among the neighbors to go to the splash park. Fortunately, we found a space under one of the small saplings they planted to "shade" the area. It still didn't help the crazy heat. The kids had a ball playing in the water and on the play structure. I was half tempted to run in myself. As soon as we got home and opened the door to the house, I could feel the cold relief of the air conditioner. I really don't know how we lived all those years as kids without it. Whatever they did during Victorian times when the women were all covered head to toe. Ugh.

Ellen reminded us all to remember this heat when we're shoveling the snow and freezing. It still doesn't help. Come back lovely summer with your cool breeze and 75 degree partly cloudy sky.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Little Miss Manners

I have always had a thing for kids with good manners. I was brought up to always say please and thank you, address adults as Mr and Mrs and was taught table manners at a young age. My children are no different. I have been told by teachers, parents and random strangers how well behaved my kids are and what nice manners Julia has for her age. I am not saying she's always perfect. She has her days where she's sassy or acts like a brat, but for the most part, she's very polite and a good little girl.

Case in Point: Yesterday at the library, Julia was selecting a few movies and couldn't find a "princess" movie. She thought of all the letters they could be under and the librarian shelving books nearby found a few for her, each time she gave her a new one, she excitedly said "Oh Thank you!" I was nearby looking for a book, so she was by herself. I was so proud of her for saying "thank you" without being prompted and not in front of me. We must be doing something right over here.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cars and Kyle

Jimmy is obsessed with 2 things right now...Cars and Kyle (our neighbor). The cars seem to be normal and are probably in his genes from Kurt and his side of the family. But the Man Crush is a little disturbing at times. When I get Jimmy up from his nap or up for the day he is usually chanting "Kaers, Kaers, Kaers" or "Kai, Kai, Kai!" If he hears either of them, he'll run to the window and run in a circle. Fortunately, i think that Kyle is unaware of the crush, thank God!

On to my day filled with the Police Car chanting "No Warrants!" and "Pull Over and Stop the Vehicle Now!" If i am lucky, the police car will impound the racing bus and garbage truck!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Commune

I know I have said it before, but I love my neighborhood. We often have impromptu dinners together. Sometimes one of us cooks everything, sometimes it is a smorgasbord of what we were going to make anyway, sometimes it is a clean out the fridge leftover night. Regardless of what we are eating, it's nice to just get together and let the kids eat and the adults talk. Tonight Ellen and I decided a dinner was in order since both Tim & Kurt were gone and I had already planned on cooking anyway. We decided to invite the new neighbor, Debbie, and her girls too since her husband was gone too. We could not have had a nicer time. We all had a nice chat and checked out what they've done to the house since they've moved in. Ellen & I in turn showed off our lived in homes. Meanwhile, the kids were playing nicely. Julia is just loving having some girls to play with. It's just nice to have great people who are like family living in my backyard (literally). I never had this kind of thing growing up with neighbors and even in our other homes...i guess I didn't know what I was missing.


I will admit it to the world - I love to read celebrity news. I don't know what it is or why I seem to care about people I don't even know, but I do. In the past, I looked forward to a doctor's appointment just so I could read the month old People in the waiting room. I received a gift subscription to US magazine for my birthday last year (thanks to my mother in law) and it seriously couldn't be a better gift. Every week, I get a new magazine in the mailbox, who is going to be on the cover, who just broke up, who was arrested? It's a new batch of problems each week. It's fantastic. My favorite part of the magazine is the section "They're just like US" - it shows the stars doing normal stuff, like pumping gas, grocery shopping, picking their noses. It's such a mockery. I feel a little bit bad that I am fueling the crazy paparazzi, but I then remember that they make a ton more money than I do and to be honest, this is what they bargained for. Perhaps they'd like to trade lives with me, shopping at Meijer with my 2 kids, going out to dinner at the Coney Island, feeling bad about spending $50 on a pair of jeans (that I actually needed and that fit my ghetto bootie). I think that is why I love reading US each week...because for the half hour it takes me to read it (and you better not interrupt me while I am reading it) I am shoved into this totally unrealistic world of celebrities where dropping thousands of dollars on clothes is nothing to them. Their lives are so far removed from my housewife existence.

My only gripe with my magazine is that it used to arrive without delay each Friday. Lately it comes willey nilley whenever it feels like it. Sometimes it comes on Wednesday, sometimes not until Monday. It really makes it difficult for me to plan that half hour. I have checked with another loyal reader (Amy) and it is happening to her too, so my mail lady isn't taking it and reading it (so much for that theory). I am crossing my fingers that it arrives tomorrow. I plan to drop the kids off with Lib so she can take them to my moms for the weekend (she works only about 15 minutes from here and it saves me the hour drive to my moms). When I come back home, I will make myself the Carrie Martini (the recipe that was in US), kick back and read my magazine. Then my weekend can start. Kid free at that!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Can we make it to our 60th Anniversary?

On June 27th, my grandparents celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary. A few days later Cindy and Diane coordinated a lovely affair at same place where they had their wedding reception. It was even in the same room! It was a dessert reception, complete with a chocolate fountain, which I couldn't get enough of (marshmallows are my downfall). There were lots of friends and family to shower them with well wishes and the much coveted card. I have found that the "older generation" just loves their cards. It is a tangible reminder that they are loved by so many.

But the whole thing got me thinking...will Kurt and I live long enough to celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary together? I sure hope so! We were technically "older" when we were married at 28 & 32. That will put us at a ripe 88 and 92 - I think we can do it!

The Granddaughters and GreatGrand Kids with Grandpa and Grandma
Our Family
Kurt, Dad, Travis
Kate, Cindy, Lib,
Jimmy, Julia & Olivia

My Grammie (third from left) with her friends. I am in the background talking to a lady who thought that my dad was my husband. Either my dad looks very young or her eyesight was really bad. There was no alcohol served either!
The whole Clan

Summer TV...or lack thereof

I love summer. Even though the kids are small, we still have lots going on during the school year, so it's nice to take a break from our schedule. We wake up late, go to bed late and just enjoy each day without the pressure of where we HAVE to be or when we HAVE to go to bed. With all this free time, I would enjoy a little TV at night after the kiddos go to bed...but alas, the networks have also taken a summer vacation. During the rest of the year, our DVR often fills up to capacity if we go a week or so without watching any TV...there is so much on and often we have to stop recording a specific show, because we never get to it. This is sad, because now it's summer and we are watching about 4 shows. Fortunately it's baseball season, so at least there is something Kurt will watch. is what is on rotation on our DVR these days...

  1. Army Wives (Lifetime) - I actually think it is one of my favorite shows. If I don't cry at least 3 times during an episode, something is wrong. Nothing like a good cry to make you feel better, even if it is about fictitious people in real situations. Kurt doesn't watch this one.
  2. It's Complicated - Denise Richards (E) -I love this one. I think Kurt watches it occasionally, but probably only because she's hot. I like Denise. If she lived in my neighborhood, we'd totally be friends. She's down to earth and from the Midwest. She also swears like a trucker...maybe that's why I like her. She is coming off like a decent human being...Charlie Sheen better get his own reality TV show to boost his PR.
  3. Intervention (A&E) - This one is definitely a wake up call to America. We can't get enough of this voyeurism. Basically it goes into the life of an addict (drugs, alcohol, etc) and shows them dealing with their problem and the end the family stages an intervention to get them to go to rehab. Kurt and I watch this show and think we can't ever get divorced, because usually that is when the kid turns to the dark side..."He was always such a happy kid, until his father ran off with his secretary...I don't know what went wrong?" Ugh...hello - maybe you should have been a little more strict or perhaps not let him get away with some of the stunts he pulled as a teenager. This show just affirms our parenting style of not being your kid's friend...and being a strict parent. Anyway, Kurt is waiting for the perfect episode where the addicted person refuses to go to treatment at all...they always do, but the results aren't always Rosy.
  4. Swingtown (CBS) - This one is set in the 70s in Chicago and follows this couple that become swingers after being introduced to the lifestyle after moving to a new neighborhood. It really is a bad show, but Kurt and I like to watch it because there is this cheesy guy (who used to be on Melrose) and he always has cheesy lines. Plus it's fun to see all the 70s stuff and music. We are in no way affiliated with the swinging lifestyle, nor do we want to be.

So that and the occasional movie that's on, we're not watching a lot of TV...but I have read alot of books. Guess that is better anyway.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Oh Canada...

Nothing says Independence Day like getting out of the Good ole USA and heading to Canada to spend some quality time with the Italian side of the family. As always, it was a relaxing time spent catching up with everyone and of course eating. We scored a pan of lasagne to take back with us, since Grandma made 2 of them...along with the scores of other food that was there. I have learned many things about this family over the years, but first and foremost - whatever occasion it is - Grandma will bring a lasagne. Whenever you pick her up to bring her somewhere, she always has a lasagne all wrapped up, pipping hot from the oven in a paper bag ready to go. Did I mention that she is 92? Good thing the customs agent didn't ask us about it, because I am sure it would have been confiscated and in his belly in 10 minutes. Hot or Cold.

Kurt relaxed, enjoying his last days of vacationJimmy playing in the water
Julia, our Little Mermaid
The Kids testing out Auntie Michelle's Early Bday Gift
Auntie Michelle showing Jimmy how to kick
Jeff & Kurt out Kayaking...
My personal favorite is this precious video of Michelle and her new kayak...they were having a little difficulty getting along. This video is after several other attempts. I know I told Kurt that I wouldn't put it on, but it's just too funny. We all laugh, but none of us would be that brave to even kayak...much less keep trying to get back on with a shore full of people yelling and clapping. We love you Michelle. Hope you are not too bruised (skin and ego).

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hello Poison Control, it's us again...

When Julia was a baby, she never got into much. She didn't ingest things she shouldn't. She sat so sweet and played with what we gave her. She was in essence the perfect baby. It probably doesn't have anything to do with her being a girl or that we were first time (hawk-like) parents.

Jimmy is another story. He moves at morph speed to anything that may possibly be of danger to him or that he can wreck. If he can lift it, he will throw it. He's such a boy. He's a daredevil. He's got this little grin that he gives you when he knows he shouldn't be doing something. He really is so cute. This is why we don't leave him at the store or try to give him away.

Today's drama....Kurt is trying to paint the deck, the kids are playing nicely on the swing set. I notice that Jimmy's got the tell tale stain of diaper blow out. I take him in, change him and put on new clothes. I sit him down on the ground and think he is right behind me coming to the swing set. Next thing I know, Kurt's yelling - "Kate, he's in the paint. Kate, he's got something in his mouth. Kate, he's sitting on the wet painted deck." This all occurred in like 2.4 seconds. Seriously. In Kurt's defense, he was on the other side of the freshly painted deck...helpless to what was occurring. I couldn't get to him fast enough. Ugh. So he's got this brownish tan stuff all over his mouth, he's spitting it out. His shorts have paint on the backside. I grab the giant glass of ice water and start dousing his mouth with it. He's pissed, because not only does his mouth taste bad, I am practically drowning him with freezing water and scraping at his tongue with a random rag. Then I rip his freezing wet clothes off (because although I just changed him, I put him in some nicer clothes that were in the dirty clothes pile - it was late and he was only playing for another 20 minutes before bath & bed) and take them into the house to get the paint off of them while I call poison control. Of course in the face of panic, I can't think of the I have to look it up. When Julia was a baby I had the number memorized, not because I ever called it, but because that is what good first time moms do. Now that I am mom of 2, I don't have time to remember those 7 numbers that start with 1-800. Anyway, I locate the number and speak with a nice lady giving her the information while scrubbing Jimmy's little Polo shorts (fortunately I paid $2 for them at a Mom2Mom Sale, but still, they are pretty nice). She asks me the usual questions and asks if I have wiped out his mouth. Ugh - who doesn't instinctively do this and wash it out? Anyway, he's going to be fine...keep him hydrated. Great - that means the little scammer gets juice box #2 for the day, because I know that he will shotgun it. Meanwhile, his sister looking pretty much the same from when i dressed her in the morning, takes 2 sips of her juice box and goes off playing nicely, asking me later if she can just have water. What a perfect kid! At least the poison control lady didn't have our file flagged from the last time we called with the make up eating incident that also occurred very similarly. Poison control is now programed into all of our phones, because i am pretty sure something else will happen.

Oh wait, I forgot to mention that Jimmy started to throw some rocks at the Corvette. Nice. If there is something that has been ingrained in my nieces and nephews, as well as Julia and the neighbor kids - it is to NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES COME IN CONTACT WITH THE CARS. Fortunately we only have the Corvette here now and the Nova is at Jimmy's (Kurt's brother). I couldn't take the stress of both of Kurt's "babies" getting marked. Little Jimmy I have a feeling may end up with some broken arms or a sore bottom if something bad happens.

So when DSS Calls you to find out what kind of parents we are, tell them he's just a boy doing boy stuff, giving his parents more gray hair than they already have. Seriously, I feel like some days i am losing the battle to keep him alive!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


So this week Kurt is off work and we are on vacation. Kurt says he is on vacation and that everyday is vacation for me. Apparently he has not been a stay at home mom every day of every week of every month for the past 3 1/2 years. Anyway, my life is pretty nice though. We are saving our pennies for our big Disney Trip this fall, so we're not taking a summer vacation. But we're trying to do fun stuff this week with the kids and eat out here and there. Just have fun together as a family. We are getting tons of our To Do List completed - I even was up on a ladder today cleaning our windows!

We did take a little break today and went to an area park where they had Kids Music. We got some sandwiches and gave Kurt a little taste of what our summer days are like.

Julia & Jimmy at the Park

What a supermodel!

Clay, Kyle & Julia playing in the sprinkler...

Tonight we had dinner with our neighbors Tim & Ellen on the deck, while the kiddos ate at their picnic table. Since Monday, we've been watching the new neighbors who just moved in painting and updating. We've been waiting for the right time to go over and introduce ourselves, thinking they'd take a break, but they keep working hard. Anyway, we went over and met them tonight and were much relieved that they were very normal and will fit in on our little commune. Julia is excited about meeting their little girls, but I have a feeling that they won't want a 4 year old tagging along with them all the time. Anyway - it's such a relief that the home is finally occupied and the new people seem friendly. Although it has been weird seeing such activity over there since it has been vacant for so long and even more strange that it isn't Steve & Kelly. That will take some time to get used to I am sure.