Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's So Hard to Say Goodbye...

When we first moved to our area, I was 5 months pregnant and a little bitter. I didn't want to move to suburbia, I wanted to be closer to the action and a mall. I thought that our life after kids would be spent going out while the kids were with Grandma. Yeah, not so much. I love our little suburbia and all that goes with it. One of the best parts of our area is our church and the great group of ladies I met at moms group. Julia was still a baby when I started going and I can't imagine what I would have done without that group. The best part was that I met some of my very closest friends in that group, not even realizing that I would, nor expecting it. Many of us have moved on to the point of not needing "moms group" per se, since we have our little group of friends and our days are pretty full and busy. But we still NEED each other.

Connecting with other women in your 30s is not the easiest thing. People have their own sets of friends and their busy lives. But I have never felt like it was much work with this set of ladies. It's just this open group of lots of different opinions, but with a common bond of faith. Now, don't get me wrong, we're not quoting scripture (one of last night's discussions involved the decoding of rubber bracelets), we just chat. I love curling up on the floor with a glass of wine and just chatting about random stuff with these girls. I always have fun.

So last night's get together was another farewell. It's the worst part. Husbands get's a fact of life. But it doesn't make it any easier. We had a great time last night, but the ominous reason why we were all there hung over us. None of us are good at goodbyes. I always feel sad for myself, but even more so for whomever is leaving. They are taking a giant leap and hoping that when they land, they will find some girls half as cool as us to fill the void. That sucks. We still have each other, they have to go find a whole new set of people. Ugh. At least there is facebook and email, but it isn't the same. So, I will keep my sweet Jen in my prayers, that she will find some great people to replace us and one day she will hopefully not know what she did without this NEW group of ladies. That's really all you can hope for.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Balancing Life

So I have taken another break from blogging...I know lots of you were upset that I took a break. I have no good reason just gets busy. I have been making an effort to not be on the computer so much. But I know that I have missed journalling our crazy life. So, I am going to try to get back into it. I know that in 10 years I will be thankful that i kept track of what was going on in our day to day. I probably will laugh and say "wow, it was so easy back then!" Which brings me to that age old question about how every mom of teenagers says how it was so much easier when they were small. WTH? Really? I beg to differ. Perhaps the stress is more - like when they are coming home or where they are, but do you remember the insanity known as potty training? Do you remember going through 4 pairs of underwear before 10:30am? I am not minimizing the stress of parenting a teen, but I know I have completely blocked out the 6 mos it took to potty train Julia, so it IS possible that they have blocked out all the bad that goes with little kids. Don't get me started on the constant state of chaos that is on every floor of my home. Someday...when the kiddos are gone at school, I will have a clean house the way I like it to be. I will be caught up on my scrapbooks, I will finally take some time to make curtains for my kitchen, dining room and bathroom. But until then, I will just try to make the best of trying to balance my life with these 2 precious babies God has given to me.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

First Day of School

Things have been a little crazy around here, adjusting to the first week of school, so I didn't have time to post an appropriate post about Julia's first day of school, complete with photos.

Julia was so excited about her first day of school. She got a little nervous when we were walking into her classroom, but she was fine once she got in there and settled. She checked out the other kids and you could just tell that she was ready to be in school. That's when it kind of hit me and I could barely get 3 word sentences out. I kissed her goodbye and returned a few hours later to pick her up. She was so excited and had lots to say about her day. I can tell that this is going to be a good year!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Step on the Brakes, but Hit the Gas...

I am so confused. Life is just flying by and I am not sure if I want it to stop or keep going forward. Julia starts her young 5s program today. This summer I have been collecting the school supplies on the list, we picked out the backpack, got some new clothes, bought shoes, and all the other stuff that goes with gearing up for school. It has been exciting. I loved school as a kid and can still remember the excitement of the first day like it was yesterday. Julia's been pretty excited too, we've had plenty of exposure to her new school, the playground and her new teacher, Mrs. M. She's young and pretty (Julia says we look alike because we have black hair) and genuine. We've got our carpool nailed down and all the particulars. Things are looking good. We haven't made too big of a deal about Young 5s, trying not to freak Julia out about it. It seems to have paid off. We're treating it like it's a fact of life. Last night Julia told me that she didn't want to go to school, that she was already smarter than Daddy and that she was mad that I always sign her up for stuff. I downplayed her tirade, but worried that she may be a little anxious herself. Then I started to worry. I can't believe that my baby is technically ready for kindergarten and she's going to be going to school everyday for half the day! I thought I was ready for this, but I lied. Where did the time go? That's when I want to put the brakes on my sweet life and just soak it up. Keep my kids under my wing and go about our days however we want. But come on, that would just be silly, because there is so much good stuff to come ahead. This is what I have been so excited about. She's going to learn so much and we're going to learn so much about her. We're going to learn what she's passionate about (besides superheroes and the color pink). We're going to meet new friends. We're going to watch her learn and grow. I can't wait for that part. So, here we go....I'm going to pull out of the driveway, but I will drive with one foot on the gas, but the other is going to just hover on the brake the whole way.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Buh-Bye Summer Vacation...

Where did the summer go? It seemed to just fly by. Now we're just days out from the first day of school! I've taken a little break from blogging this summer to just be. But i know that I missed it and have lots of ramblings in my head to contribute to cyberspace. We've had a nice summer...lots of places visited and things we did. I am quickly realizing that the kids are only going to be this small for so long. I enjoy it, but i have to say that I am looking forward to the next few years. They are just learning so much and literally changing before my eyes.

Looking forward to Fall 2009 and all the excitement that it will bring into our lives.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Celebrating the 4th Across the Border!

Family tradition is to celebrate July 4th in Canada, at Aunt Fran's cottage. I know, kind of strange, but that's the way we roll over here. It is so relaxing there and our 4th was no exception. I wanted nothing more than to put my feet up in a chair and finish my book and Kurt wanted to nap in the hammock. Done! Plus Jimmy napped for like 3 hours in a chair right in front of the water. And Julia got undivided Uncle Jeff attention...which she loved. It really was a perfect day. I forgot to mention all of the yummy food...your regular 4th of July treats, plus a lasagna. When we went to pick up Great Grandma, Julia asked her why she always makes lasagna (really, whenever she goes anywhere, she brings a lasagna). She said it's the only thing she knows how to make. Not true, but it was funny. I wonder how many lasagnas Great Grandma has made over the years...too many to count i am sure.

Julia & Uncle Jeff Kayaking to Basketball Practice
Aunt Michelle & Julia kayaking for real or as Julia would say "In real life."

Kurt catching some of Jimmy's heat

Looking Grown Up...ready for Little League.
Julia, Jimmy, Grandma & Aunt Fran waiting for the sun to set

What a view...

Fireworks on the Green

On the 3rd, we went with our friends Doug & Kelly to watch the fireworks at their golf club. They had music, a bouncer for the kids, food and drinks and you could lay your blankets on one section of the golf course to watch the show. It was a great show, the kids had fun. Most importantly, we made the stop at Michael's to get the glow in the dark bracelets, which were a hit. Although every time the kids see fireworks, they think they need these could be a problem if I don't stock up :-)

Julia, Paige & Jimmy


On a whim 2 weeks ago, we decided to go to Chicago for the weekend. One of Kurt's friends has an apartment right downtown (3 blocks from Navy Pier) and offered it up to us to use since he was going to be home over the weekend, so why not? To top it off, he also got a sweet Navigator to drive down there (thank you, Mitch). The kids loved the DVD player and the fact that it was so big. We even threw Kurt's mom in to the mix as well. Why not?

On the way down we asked the kids if they wanted to go see fish or dinosaurs, they picked fish, so we visited Shedd Aquarium. They had fun.

We also hit Michigan Avenue for a little window shopping. We actually didn't really shop at all (unless you count a bathing suit for Julia that was on sale). We ate at The Cheesecake Factory, which is probably one of my favorite restaurants, although Kurt really doesn't like the food, only the cheesecake...he appeased me and we ate there. Most importantly, we hit the American Girl Store. Julia will be getting a doll for her birthday and she needed to check out all of the dolls to pick which one she wanted. For a while, she told me she just wanted one in a pink dress, but she quickly realized that there were lots of clothes they could wear. She was quite methodical about picking which doll she would be getting. She wanted one with blonde hair and then decided that it needed to be long. Then it was down to 2 different girls and she picked the one with brown eyes, because "I have brown eyes too" - funny how she didn't really get into the fact that the doll's name is "Julie." It was a fun time for her to see all of that. We didn't buy anything there and she was very good about just "looking." Jimmy on the other hand told Kurt after a few minutes in there "Let's get out of here!" - too many girls, no boy stuff and he was strapped into his stroller.

No trip would be complete without a visit to Navy Pier...

Julia in a fun house mirror...long neck, short body. What a day!

On the Ferris Wheel...

All in all, it was a fun weekend, Kurt's highlight was the rooftop pool at the apartment. Let's just say that there was alot to see there :-). The kids are pretty good travelers and make these kind of trips more fun. Having mom along for the trip is fun too, she helps keep the kids occupied and I know that she enjoys spending time with us too. We are a lucky family!

Summer Shots

The family having a Wii Boxing match

Julia giving Daddy his Father's Day Notepad

Little Ricky Bobby...Shake & Bake!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Some Summer Shots

Just a few more shots from summer... star!
and everyone gets a medal!

Jimmy driving the boat with Uncle Doug

Julia & Paige BFFs...being silly!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Time Away...

Last weekend, I took off. Really. I just left. Okay, that's a little dramatic (me?dramatic?never!). It was a planned weekend away with the girls, which was very much needed and well deserved. I knew that I'd come back rejuvenated and happy - but I didn't realize just how much I needed it. My life is pretty easy as a stay at home mom. I set my own hours pretty much, I do what I want, I waste time on facebook and the Internet after the kids are in bed, I read alot of books. Life is good. To top it off, I have a fabulous husband who is a very involved father and very helpful around the house. Plus he's easy on the eyes. I have 2 pretty great kids who get by alot on their good looks. But still, I need to have time to be me...alone.

Cas, my friend from forever, coordinated this whole weekend at a hotel to scrapbook & shop, but mostly to be together with a bunch of friends from high school/college. Cas and I have been friends since 1st grade, when we both were in love with Bobby W. and planned to own a RV and travel the US once we graduated. We were cheerleaders together starting in 7th grade all the way up to our senior year. And as if we couldn't get enough of each other, we became roommates in college. I think Cas is the person that I can be the silliest with, since she has known me the longest and knows I am just a goofball. Her older sister, Nikki, and I became friends in high school when we were on the same cheer team. Fun times were had with those girls. And this weekend was no exception. In addition to Cas & Nik and their mom & aunt, a few other friends from high school joined us, as well as a few other friends and it was a blast. We just were silly and had fun being creative. I finished 25 pages in Julia's scrapbook. Unfortunately, i was working on she is still 2 years behind. But that's cool. I just had a great time. I came home feeling great, because I had a chance to recharge and not be a mom/wife for a few days. Everyone should do that once in a while. I can't wait until we do it again in the fall!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Julia's last day of Preschool

I didn't think that I'd get emotional about Julia's last day of preschool. She's not really going to kindergarten next year, young 5s, which in all reality is quite similar to kindergarten - but nonetheless, I still feel like i have my little girl. But as we were getting ready to go to the park to celebrate her "last day" - it kind of hit me that my little girl is growing up so crazy fast. It's like I blinked and she became this little girl who is so bright and inquisitive. So sweet, yet so sour sometimes. So helpful. So wanting to be 5. It just flew was just like yesterday when we moved here and I was pregnant. Everyone says it flies by. I knew there had to be some truth to it, but you don't think it will happen to you. I am really going to make an effort to enjoy this summer and see it through the eyes of a 2 and 4 year old. I am so blessed to be their mom and to stay home with them.

Julia mastering the monkey bars....
Julia & her BFF, Kylie
The graduating Class

Julia with her bubble wand

Friday, May 29, 2009

Backyard Baseball

I know that I've said it before, but I love my neighbors and their kids. I am so looking forward to the summer when we all are around and the kids can play together all the time outside, getting that fresh air. They all run in a little pack and pretty much get along. I think it is so good for them to have playmates all around them.

Last weekend, the kids put together an impromptu baseball game. Tim & Kurt helped out and tried to get all of the kids to play by the "rules" - it was so fun to watch them. They were having a great time!

Jimmy up to bat
Jimmy getting on base
Julia at bat
Julia on base

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How Can You NOT Laugh?

Well, Julia's back at it again...coming out of her room a million times after we put her to bed at night. It first started when i put her to bed, within 1 minute she was at her door asking me "Who killed God?" This has been a conversation before, so I tell her that Pontius Pilate killed Jesus, God's Son. She then asked me (in her 4 yr old little voice) if "Pontius Pilate was ever a nice person" He probably was I say. Then she asks me all worried if he will kill her when she goes to Heaven. I explained that he probably wasn't in Heaven, but in another place...Hell. I had to tell her the word for it, what other word is there. Anyway, I left her in her room, her saying the word "Hell" over and over, trying to commit it to memory. That will go over good tomorrow at Preschool. I think this religious conversation was brought on by Julia's question while brushing her teeth - "Does God go with us to the store? Like does he help you pick out the cereal and stuff? She is so religious...

Then about 20 minutes later, Kurt looks up and there she was....all dressed up at 8:30pm on the bridge just watching us. We were both laughing. Not what we should be doing when she really needs to be in bed....but she looked so funny. I had to take her picture all dressed up in blankets, sunglasses and an old purse.

...and a hat on top of all of it. When we asked her what she was, she said she was an old woman.

About 10 minutes later she was up on the bridge again yelling that she couldn't get her doll sweater off. She had put on a jacket that is for Bitty Baby (a small doll). Somehow she had both of her arms in the arm holes and it was pulling her shoulder blades back. How she ever got it on, I will never know. I think she's now asleep finally.
Did I mention that Jimmy hasn't napped in 2 days and he fell asleep in the car at 6:20? I was able to change his diaper and put PJs on him all while he was completely asleep. Poor little guy...he'll be up at 5am for sure!

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Crawfish Boil

Our good friends, Cherie & Shea, have an annual Crawfish Boil. He grew up in Louisiana, so he flies in some crawfish straight out of the bayou (or wherever they are) and cooks them up like little lobsters. I personally don't like the crawfish, I have tried them and kind of wanted to like them, but not so much anymore. This was the 7th annual party...I have not missed a party yet. This year's party was adults only, so it was a great night for all of us parents to kick back and get a little crazy. Cherie mixed up some Hurricanes and other concoctions...needless to say, I am not going to be partaking in any alcohol for a while.

Cherie & Kate

Amy & Kate

Our neighbors, Tim & Ellen, came with us this year to celebrate their first Boil. They actually know some of the same people that Cherie and Shea are friends with and they all attended the same New Year's Eve Party in 2001/2002. This was the same party that we almost went to, but were too tired from moving that day to go. Funny, we would have all met before we were neighbors. This photo of Ellen is so her...this is how I see her on a daily basis...she's so fun!

Ellen & Kate
Amy & Cherie

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Julia's Big Debut!

Julia's first dance recital was on Friday night and it went without a hitch. She got up there and tapped and sang her little heart out. I was so proud of her and happy that her first recital was under her belt. While we were watching the first part of the recital, she kept wondering how old the kids were and when she would be in that group. It's not that I want her to be in dance, because that was a big part of my life as a kid. I want her to enjoy being part of something, working hard to accomplish goals and having a good time doing it. I have such great memories of my dance days and hope she has the same. Plus, there is nothing like seeing your little girl all dolled up in a tutu.

Julia & Kate before the Recital
We had a whole crowd come to watch her recital, but the most important guest was Olivia. Julia was pretty excited for her to come. Little did I know that Olivia would LOVE the recital just as much. She sat on Kurt's lap and watched the whole thing. She loved it. I couldn't believe that an almost 3 year old could sit that still for that long, that late at night.
Julia posing before going on stage
Julia & Raechel ready to go
After the recital, Julia got bouquets from Grammie and Grandma. She accepted them just like a professional, holding them in the crook of her arm, talking to her adoring fans. Telling Kurt: "Daddy, I didn't know what I was doing up there!" But the cutest thing, was little Olivia, wanting some flowers of her own. Staving off a 10pm tantrum, I thought fast and asked Olivia if she wanted to wear Julia's costume (Julia had to take it off, since it was itchy). She was so excited and we now know who will be in dance next year.