Sunday, September 13, 2009

First Day of School

Things have been a little crazy around here, adjusting to the first week of school, so I didn't have time to post an appropriate post about Julia's first day of school, complete with photos.

Julia was so excited about her first day of school. She got a little nervous when we were walking into her classroom, but she was fine once she got in there and settled. She checked out the other kids and you could just tell that she was ready to be in school. That's when it kind of hit me and I could barely get 3 word sentences out. I kissed her goodbye and returned a few hours later to pick her up. She was so excited and had lots to say about her day. I can tell that this is going to be a good year!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Step on the Brakes, but Hit the Gas...

I am so confused. Life is just flying by and I am not sure if I want it to stop or keep going forward. Julia starts her young 5s program today. This summer I have been collecting the school supplies on the list, we picked out the backpack, got some new clothes, bought shoes, and all the other stuff that goes with gearing up for school. It has been exciting. I loved school as a kid and can still remember the excitement of the first day like it was yesterday. Julia's been pretty excited too, we've had plenty of exposure to her new school, the playground and her new teacher, Mrs. M. She's young and pretty (Julia says we look alike because we have black hair) and genuine. We've got our carpool nailed down and all the particulars. Things are looking good. We haven't made too big of a deal about Young 5s, trying not to freak Julia out about it. It seems to have paid off. We're treating it like it's a fact of life. Last night Julia told me that she didn't want to go to school, that she was already smarter than Daddy and that she was mad that I always sign her up for stuff. I downplayed her tirade, but worried that she may be a little anxious herself. Then I started to worry. I can't believe that my baby is technically ready for kindergarten and she's going to be going to school everyday for half the day! I thought I was ready for this, but I lied. Where did the time go? That's when I want to put the brakes on my sweet life and just soak it up. Keep my kids under my wing and go about our days however we want. But come on, that would just be silly, because there is so much good stuff to come ahead. This is what I have been so excited about. She's going to learn so much and we're going to learn so much about her. We're going to learn what she's passionate about (besides superheroes and the color pink). We're going to meet new friends. We're going to watch her learn and grow. I can't wait for that part. So, here we go....I'm going to pull out of the driveway, but I will drive with one foot on the gas, but the other is going to just hover on the brake the whole way.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Buh-Bye Summer Vacation...

Where did the summer go? It seemed to just fly by. Now we're just days out from the first day of school! I've taken a little break from blogging this summer to just be. But i know that I missed it and have lots of ramblings in my head to contribute to cyberspace. We've had a nice summer...lots of places visited and things we did. I am quickly realizing that the kids are only going to be this small for so long. I enjoy it, but i have to say that I am looking forward to the next few years. They are just learning so much and literally changing before my eyes.

Looking forward to Fall 2009 and all the excitement that it will bring into our lives.