Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So, last night after I watched the coverage of the National Republican Convention, I was about to go to bed and noticed that the light on my DVR was on. Hmmm - what was recording? I totally forgot that I set it to record the NEW 90210. I wasn't expecting to like it at all. Quite frankly, I was expecting to not even finish the first show. I LOVED it. Now, I don't know if I loved it because there are a lot of tie ins to the old 90210 or if I just am bored by what is on TV right now. Regardless, my old friends Kelly and that crazy Brenda...some younger sisters, some old's all fantastic. It's a little OC-like, but that's okay. The storyline was somewhat impressive, compared to the end of the old 90210...I wasn't expecting much. Ahh, the drama of West Beverly meets the 21st Century, even the Peach Pit is fancy.


Anonymous said... the way, it's the 21st century, not the 20th.

Kate said...

Thanks for the catch anonymous. Sometimes my thoughts get a little mixed up when i am typing too fast.