Jimmy has been saying a lot lately. Speaking in paragraphs and it all makes sense. Really it is a language explosion. Girls and Boys are so different. By 18 months Julia was speaking pretty clearly, speaking in sentences and it was a natural progression from there. Jimmy on the other hand at that age, had a few words he'd say, he'd understand you, he just didn't say a ton like his sister did at that age. Well, Jimmy must have been saving it all up for the winter when were were bored. The kid doesn't shut up. He talks and talks. When you get a moment alone with him, he just wants to chat about the colors of all of his favorite cars and about whatever else is on his mind. As of this week, his obsession is our old neighbor's baby, Emily. He found some old sippy cups that were from when he and Julia were babies and he totally out of the blue told me that we needed to give them to baby Emily. We haven't seen them in over a month! How he remembered her, I have no idea. Now at every meal, like groundhog day, Jimmy tells me that Baby Emily needs his old sippy cups and diapers. If you don't repeat what he has said to you, he'll keep saying it until you do. Hearing his voice that has no volume control yell "Baby Emily needs my dia-ar-puhs! Juss one." makes me just chuckle, sometimes I don't repeat after him so I can hear him say it again and again. It's pretty cute.
But for the record...I don't need another baby...Bitty Baby is about all I can handle right now.
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