So, this past weekend was the big Mom2Mom Sale at my church. This sale consumes me for weeks before the sale. But every year it is so worth it while it is going on. You see so many people buying and selling. Happy to have found some deals. Happy to have gotten what they needed. Happy to have unloaded excess stuff and make some money. But it is always the people that I see that NEED these sales. Circumstances have put them in the position where they can't just run up to Target and buy the gadgets and clothes their kids need. They depend on Garage Sales and Mom2Mom Sales to buy what they need. Those are the people that I do it for and make me feel good about all the time that I spend on organizing a sale. I like the deals too, but I can head up to Target and buy what I need too, so I don't need it as much.
This year I had a little table of random baby toys and baby things. Not alot of stuff, nothing that will be missed really. I ended up making a tidy little sum on that bunch of nothing. Makes me excited about the sale to come when i can unload all of these clothes. One day....
I took this sale over 4 years ago and didn't really have that much direction as to how a sale should be run or how it needed to be done. I kind of started from nothing with my friend Christine (Desperate Swisswives). We laid it all out and organized the sale in the way that we'd like to have it as shoppers or sellers. I don't think we do much out of the norm - maybe a few nice things here and there, but for the most part it seems pretty standard stuff to me. Well, according to lot of sellers and buyers, our sale is tops. It's nice to hear and makes me feel good for all of the time and effort I put into it, but it does make me wonder what these other sale organizers are doing and why it is so hard for them to put on an oranized event. This was the first year without Christine, since she's living her fabulous European life now...but we pulled it off and it seemed like the best sale yet. We are lucky to have a core group of volunteers that give of their time every year and I can depend on them to get the job done. Thanks to them!
So glad to have my life back. So glad to not have to make lists, add to lists, contact sellers, organize volunteers. Now, I need to clean my house and take a few breaths.
6 years ago
Thanks for the props, but you are driving force behind this sale! I was merely your lovely assistant!
I am so impressed with you, Katy! It sounds like so much work, but how rewarding to see your efforts pay off with a successful sale where everyone walks away happy!
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