Thursday, January 14, 2010

Random Unconnected Thoughts on Jimmy

Jimmy & I have been having fun lately while Julia is at school. He's such a little character. Sometimes I look at him and wonder...
  • When asked what he wanted for dessert the other night cookie or ice cream, he told us half cookie, half ice cream. He has the concept of fractions down.
  • He told me that his "jail truck has 100 horse power engine. " Kurt wondered if we could just skip preschool and enroll him in Mo-tech now. He already knows most of the parts of the car.
  • Quite frankly he told Kurt tonight "Your daddy died and your dog died. We need to go to the dog store and buy a new dog."
  • While playing with the maracas the other day, he told me he was "playing with his marac Obamas."
  • Today during our Meijer shopping trip, I told him to pick out 2 boxes of fruit snacks and he picked out Batman for him and My Little Pony for Julia. He could have picked out 2 for him, but he didn't.

Jimmy loves to go shopping. His favorite places are Meijers, Costco, Target and Marshalls. How ironic, that those are the stores that, while I probably would rather go to the mall, we go to most often. Sometimes when we are shopping, he'll fall asleep. Maybe we should go to the mall.

Jimmy is very head strong. He's probably going to be 4 before he is potty trained. He'll go when he's in the mood, he'll sit on the potty to humor you and then tell you that he's "all out." He pretty much doesn't have much interest in it and is much happier going in his pants. No sense in fighting with him. He's his own little man. If things aren't going his way or the way he thinks they should go, he'll pretty much freak out...screaming or crying. It can be kind of exhausting to deal with. But if you can distract him, he'll calm down and sometimes he'll even cuddle with you.

Jimmy is a sweet little boy. He loves his family, his cars and dessert. Today he told me to come have my coffee on the couch with him while he was watching Dinosaur Train. When I sat down, he cuddled up with me. How sweet is that? He melted my heart. But he does that every day...

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