Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I am an Aunt...Again!

It seemed like it would never happen...being an Aunt again. The past year and a half has been tough on my sister & her hubby Trav. They suffered 2 miscarriages back to back, which made for a tough first trimester with this pregnancy. We were all on eggshells. Trying to be positive. Knowing that if not for those losses that this pregnancy would not have happened.

They were due on Feb 22nd and to be honest, we were all expecting her to go late again (like she did with Olivia). Not so much the case. I got a call around 4pm that she was going to the hospital after her doctor appointment that afternoon....TO HAVE A BABY. I waited for Kurt to get home, ate dinner and packed a bag and headed out to the hospital about an hour away. I got there around 8:30 or so and we hung out, watched some of the Olympics, talked about the random stuff. Not focusing on the task at hand. Around midnight things started to pick up, she got an epidural, started to push 2 1/2 hours later and after about 15 min of pushing, Fletcher was born!

I was there in the thick of it. I was actually a little apprehensive about the birth. Last time, I was pregnant myself and Lib had a hard time. I didn't want to go through that again. She was a trooper this time and did a great job. Made me feel a little inadequate with my odd shaped pelvis and 2 CSections. But there are no medals or awards given in childbirth. Just get it done.

The Happy Family
Grammie & Fletcher
Fletcher James
7 Pounds, 6 oz.
19.5 Inches long

Proud Aunt Kate

Nothing sweeter than a newborn baby in your arms and in your life. Welcome to the family baby Flash. Your Uncle Kurt and cousins can't wait to meet you. I can't wait to love on you a little more. We are so happy God sent you to us.

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