Friday, May 29, 2009

Backyard Baseball

I know that I've said it before, but I love my neighbors and their kids. I am so looking forward to the summer when we all are around and the kids can play together all the time outside, getting that fresh air. They all run in a little pack and pretty much get along. I think it is so good for them to have playmates all around them.

Last weekend, the kids put together an impromptu baseball game. Tim & Kurt helped out and tried to get all of the kids to play by the "rules" - it was so fun to watch them. They were having a great time!

Jimmy up to bat
Jimmy getting on base
Julia at bat
Julia on base

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How Can You NOT Laugh?

Well, Julia's back at it again...coming out of her room a million times after we put her to bed at night. It first started when i put her to bed, within 1 minute she was at her door asking me "Who killed God?" This has been a conversation before, so I tell her that Pontius Pilate killed Jesus, God's Son. She then asked me (in her 4 yr old little voice) if "Pontius Pilate was ever a nice person" He probably was I say. Then she asks me all worried if he will kill her when she goes to Heaven. I explained that he probably wasn't in Heaven, but in another place...Hell. I had to tell her the word for it, what other word is there. Anyway, I left her in her room, her saying the word "Hell" over and over, trying to commit it to memory. That will go over good tomorrow at Preschool. I think this religious conversation was brought on by Julia's question while brushing her teeth - "Does God go with us to the store? Like does he help you pick out the cereal and stuff? She is so religious...

Then about 20 minutes later, Kurt looks up and there she was....all dressed up at 8:30pm on the bridge just watching us. We were both laughing. Not what we should be doing when she really needs to be in bed....but she looked so funny. I had to take her picture all dressed up in blankets, sunglasses and an old purse.

...and a hat on top of all of it. When we asked her what she was, she said she was an old woman.

About 10 minutes later she was up on the bridge again yelling that she couldn't get her doll sweater off. She had put on a jacket that is for Bitty Baby (a small doll). Somehow she had both of her arms in the arm holes and it was pulling her shoulder blades back. How she ever got it on, I will never know. I think she's now asleep finally.
Did I mention that Jimmy hasn't napped in 2 days and he fell asleep in the car at 6:20? I was able to change his diaper and put PJs on him all while he was completely asleep. Poor little guy...he'll be up at 5am for sure!

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Crawfish Boil

Our good friends, Cherie & Shea, have an annual Crawfish Boil. He grew up in Louisiana, so he flies in some crawfish straight out of the bayou (or wherever they are) and cooks them up like little lobsters. I personally don't like the crawfish, I have tried them and kind of wanted to like them, but not so much anymore. This was the 7th annual party...I have not missed a party yet. This year's party was adults only, so it was a great night for all of us parents to kick back and get a little crazy. Cherie mixed up some Hurricanes and other concoctions...needless to say, I am not going to be partaking in any alcohol for a while.

Cherie & Kate

Amy & Kate

Our neighbors, Tim & Ellen, came with us this year to celebrate their first Boil. They actually know some of the same people that Cherie and Shea are friends with and they all attended the same New Year's Eve Party in 2001/2002. This was the same party that we almost went to, but were too tired from moving that day to go. Funny, we would have all met before we were neighbors. This photo of Ellen is so her...this is how I see her on a daily basis...she's so fun!

Ellen & Kate
Amy & Cherie

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Julia's Big Debut!

Julia's first dance recital was on Friday night and it went without a hitch. She got up there and tapped and sang her little heart out. I was so proud of her and happy that her first recital was under her belt. While we were watching the first part of the recital, she kept wondering how old the kids were and when she would be in that group. It's not that I want her to be in dance, because that was a big part of my life as a kid. I want her to enjoy being part of something, working hard to accomplish goals and having a good time doing it. I have such great memories of my dance days and hope she has the same. Plus, there is nothing like seeing your little girl all dolled up in a tutu.

Julia & Kate before the Recital
We had a whole crowd come to watch her recital, but the most important guest was Olivia. Julia was pretty excited for her to come. Little did I know that Olivia would LOVE the recital just as much. She sat on Kurt's lap and watched the whole thing. She loved it. I couldn't believe that an almost 3 year old could sit that still for that long, that late at night.
Julia posing before going on stage
Julia & Raechel ready to go
After the recital, Julia got bouquets from Grammie and Grandma. She accepted them just like a professional, holding them in the crook of her arm, talking to her adoring fans. Telling Kurt: "Daddy, I didn't know what I was doing up there!" But the cutest thing, was little Olivia, wanting some flowers of her own. Staving off a 10pm tantrum, I thought fast and asked Olivia if she wanted to wear Julia's costume (Julia had to take it off, since it was itchy). She was so excited and we now know who will be in dance next year.

Field Trip on the Farm

Julia has had a ton of field trips this year. In fact, I think that there were a tad too many for my taste, but she didn't complain, so it's been good I guess. The last field trip of the year was to this farm that is located in the middle of suburbia. It's kind of funny actually, there is this farm situated in the middle of all of these subdivisions and schoolkids all over the area come to "experience" farm life. Complete with the constant reminders to use the purell after touching the animals. I think it all is kind of comical, growing up on a farm myself and going to school in a more rural area. The experience is in no way the same as what I experienced as a kid. I am pretty sure that I washed my hands when they were covered in dirt, but not because I touched a cat, horse or chicken. We have been to this farm before and Julia doesn't really like it. She is a city girl. She doesn't like the "smell" or the animals. I actually had to make her ride the horse. Perhaps she was being a primadonna, seeing as she has her "own" horse and doesn't need to ride a community horse. Who knows?

All she wanted to do was play on the playground they have there. She loved the merry go round. I am sure if you ask her what her favorite part of the farm was, she'd tell you that she loved playing with her friends

Julia's Four and a Half Birthday!

Julia has been very aware of her age this past year. At preschool, when kids celebrate a birthday, she always asks who is 5, who is 4 1/2 and who is still 4. Well, Julia is one of the youngest in the class, so she has been constantly asking when she'd be 4 1/2. She even asked if she could celebrate her 4 1/2 birthday. I told her that we'd make some cookies and she could share them with her neighborhood friends on her 4 1/2 birthday. Anyway, it was meant to appease her and show her that she was finally 4 1/2. Kurt was not too happy about us celebrating a half birthday. I don't intend on doing it every year, just this one....since it was such a big deal at school.
Now that she's 4 1/2, she wants to know when and what we're going to do for her 5th birthday. It kills me.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crazy Week.

So if you're living under a rock, you haven't heard of the swine flu yet. For the past few weeks, it has been all over the news with maps of which states have been hit and how many confirmed cases there have been. There have been several deaths, but for the most part I think that it was a slow news week. Well, when the media hypes something, people get nervous. They thought that a high school student had contracted the virus and they in turn closed the schools for 2 days this week. They cleaned and disinfected things, but still - it was a little nuts. I had to call my mom (who is a nurse) to make sure that I wasn't under-reacting. I just made sure that the kids washed their hands a little more vigilantly. Anyway...the closure of the schools made the dress rehearsal of Julia's dance recital a little crazy, but things worked out and we're hoping that all goes well for the big event this Friday. I am pretty excited to see my little girl dancing. I just hope she dances and doesn't cry like she did at rehearsal. It was a little overwhelming for her. She did look cute though.

Due to the relocation of Sunday's dress rehearsal, there is a run thru tonight of the recital. I want Julia to go to get a feel for the place, so she doesn't lose it on Friday night. But tonight is also the first night of soccer for Julia. She can't miss the first day of soccer and Kurt is a coach, so it will be interesting. Did I mention that neither I or Kurt have ever played soccer in our lives? Again, should be interesting. So, our plan today is to go to the run through, hope she goes before we have to leave for soccer and then go to soccer and then come back for the rest of the run through. Ahh, is this what happens when the kids get older? She's 4. God help us. Somewhere in there, we have to eat dinner.

Anyway...looking forward to the evening when it is all over and we've checked that box.