My pal from high school, Maria, posted this on her blog and told us to post the same on ours. I know that Kurt, Todd & Jeff will LOVE this, so this is for you guys.
A -
Apple Cider and Spice Donuts. Only one more month and the Cider Mill with the best spice donuts opens up. I love fall, this is one of the reasons.
B - Bread & Butter. I am not sure which i like more, the bread or the butter, but a nice piece of fresh bread with some salted butter on it makes my day. This is the reason I will never be 120 pounds.
C - Cookie Lady. I love to bake, share and eat cookies. When Kurt and I were first dating, I used to make him cookies and leave them at his place. His Dad used to intercept these cookies when he was coming by to work on the Nova, so I became known as the "Cookie Lady" in the family, because nobody met me for 6 months.
D - DVR. How we watched TV without it, I will never know. I can't wait until Fall when the
DVR will be almost filled to capacity with all the great TV that we love to watch.
E - Ebay. I love this online garage sale. I sell stuff from time to time on there and am amazed at how much one is willing to pay for my junk. Where else can one find a fantastic 1980s prom dress? I probably should start my search for 2009 Mom Prom.
F - Fountain Coke. I love a good fountain Coke. McDonald's has the best and it's only a $1 for the summer. Why do some places have awesome Coke and others don't - it's in the calibration of the it the proper carbonated water & coke syrup mix.
G - God. I have such a great life and know that I owe it to Him. I am not one to go on and on about my faith to others, I prefer to show it by the way I live my life and do good things for others. Volunteering is one way I do that.
H - Horses. I grew up on a horse farm and showed horses from age 7-17. My parents still have a few horses and my kids have one too, but I rarely ride. I think the last time I rode was before I had any of my kids. I'm just not that into it anymore.
I - iPod. I love my
ipod. I have it on most days when I am cleaning my house, doing my laundry or working out. I get
CDs from the library and download them into
iTunes and rock it out. I listen to lots of Books, but also love to rock it out too. Lately I have been downloading some of my own giant CD collection from the 90s when I bought
CDs all the time. I just re-discovered The Cure and a
Beastie Boys CD.
Ahh - me and brass monkey are rocking it well.
J - Julia & Jimmy. My kids are both named after very special people. Julia is named after my cousin who passed away about 10 years ago. Jimmy is named after my dad, Kurt's dad and brother. The fact that they both are J names is a coincidence.
K - Kurt. The best decision I ever made was to talk to him that night at the bar 8 years ago.
L - Laundry. I love to do laundry. I rock at getting stains out of just about anything. It's my claim to fame. In my dream home, I'd have a big room with a counter top to fold my laundry and a TV. I may never leave.
M - Mexican Food. I love it. It ranks right up there with Pizza and Italian food.
N - Night. I am a
nightowl. I hate the morning. Going to bed early for me is 11:30pm. Most nights I am up until 1 am. I am most productive at night and I like the quiet of being the only one up.
O - One o'Clock. Usually this is when Jimmy is napping and Julia is watching a show. It's the only time during the day that I have to myself to get all my jobs done and chill out on the computer.
P - Paws. The mascot of my Tigers. I love the Tigers and love going down to the games. I even liked them when they were bad.
Q - Quiet. Something that I rarely hear. Unless all kiddos are in bed. Last night Kurt was gone and I read my book for a few hours. No other noise...just the fan.
R - Read. I love to read. I am a dork like that. I get about 6 magazines (US being one of my favorites) and am usually reading several books at once. Usually one on my
iPod, a non-fiction book and some other fiction book. I need to remember to just turn off the TV more often and read. It's so much better.
S - Scrapbooking. I love to scrap, but have little time for it these days. It is such a creative outlet for me. I try to do it at least once a month, but since summer has started, I haven't.
T - Tiko. We had to put our dog to sleep 2 years ago. He was the best dog, minus the bad breath and incontinence in the end. We haven't replaced him and probably won't for a long time. How common are poodle-
dachshund crosses?
U - Un-uptight. I am so laid back about pretty much everything, especially with my kids and relationships. There are too many other things to worry about that are bigger than we are. I just don't have time to let some stuff get to me. I have my times when I get fired up about something, but for the most part, I am pretty cool.
V - Volunteer. I am a "professional volunteer." I like to be involved in my kid's school, our church, my subdivision, etc. I think it is important to give your time to others. Although, Kurt would tell me to practice the word "no" more often.
W - Western. I am proud to be a
WMU grad. I had some great times in
Ahh, to be a college student again.
X - Xmas. I prefer Christmas, but I needed something that started with X. I love the wonder of the holidays. I especially love it from the eyes of my kids. I love the family, the music, the shopping and the baking. It is the only time of year that I
actually want to see snow.
Y - Yummy. My favorite adjective used to describe food and hot celebrity guys. My latest celeb crush is Jonathan Rhys Meyers...Yummy. Kurt, I am adding him to "the list."
Z - Zealot. I am pretty passionate about lots of family, pursuit of the perfect ranch dressing, organizing things and life in general.