Sunday, August 31, 2008

Go Green! Go White! Go Dirt!

Things have been a little crazy around here this past week. It definitely was nice to have the weekend come and have it be a long one at that. To make things even better, college football started! Kurt is happy, he relives his days of youth in East Lansing with his college buddies for home games. Usually the guys just go to the games, but there is the occasional tailgate that the wives and kiddos attend. Perhaps in the coming years, our seats will expand to include space for the men of the Class of 2029. I am sure that Jimmy, Ethan & Auben will be attending a few games with their dads in the years to come. I just hope the class of 1993 doesn't teach our boys all the tricks they used back in the day.

Jimmy & Julia ready for Game Day!

Julia showing Jimmy a little Spartan Defense
We enjoyed a relaxing Saturday around the house, the kids played with the other kids in the neighborhood. We grilled out and just had a great day. Just before I was about to take the kids in to give them baths, Jimmy decided that he needed a little war paint before the game started. He's such a boy.


Cassy said...

Are those Mountie pom-poms I see?

Kate said...

They are my old pompoms from my high school days. Oh, the stories they'd tell.

Christine said...

So sad to not be there for tailgating! We watched the game on our SlingBox TV the next day. Sometimes I wonder why we watch...but we did all wear green and white on Saturday!

BTW-how did you do the live traffic feed thing? I'd like to add that to mine!