Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy 40th Michelle!

I can't believe they pulled it off! For about 6 months Aunt Fran & Jeff have been planning a bash for Michelle's big 40th party. People came from all over to celebrate in Canada. Michelle thought that the reason for the gathering at the cottage was to have a party for some relatives from Pennsylvania. Anyway, after arriving at the cottage, she noticed that there were some people that "didn't belong" and then I think it hit her. She was shocked!

Jeff & Michelle...she makes 40 look good! Pamela Andersen eat your heart out!

But it got even better...Michelle's family from the East Coast came in and surprised her. It was probably the best part of the day...seeing her face and knowing that this was probably the best present she could have had.

Happy Birthday Michelle...hope your 40th was one to remember...we love you!!

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