Monday, August 18, 2008

Disney Magic

We are planning our trip to Disney in a few weeks. We're going with our old neighbors and staying at their time share. This part was easy. We are arriving a day early & leaving a day early, because Kurt didn't want to miss an important MSU home game (I don't blame him), so we had to find a place to stay for one night. Do you have any idea how many hotels are in the Orlando area? Like a million. I think I read something about Orlando having the most hotels per area or something. i believe it...too many choices...too many different places. It's for one night...why do I care? I ended up taking a hotel that wasn't my first choice, but was FREE from all the points Kurt accumulated when he was traveling all the time. I hate vacation planning. I always wonder if I am getting the best deal at the best place and it sort of consumes me. I have a few last minute things to get done to have all of the planning part finished. I can't wait. I thought of that Disney commercial where there is this music and the sound of horses running and the fairy godmother is waving her wand while the parents realize that Disney is affordable and bang, it's done. Ugh, my planning did not go anything like that.

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