Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Where Dada?

My son kills me. Every morning when I go to get him out of his crib, his first words to me are "Where Dada?"...seriously, everyday. On the weekends when Kurt is home, he goes in to get him usually, because the look on his face when he sees Kurt is priceless. Even when he hears the garage door open or the screen door open, he runs to the door yelling "Dada!" One of my favorites is when Jimmy sees a car like Kurt's and screams "Dada!" I often wonder if these strange single men that Jimmy sometimes picks think that I am trolling for a man with my kids in tow. All this obsession with Dada makes Kurt feel bad, because he's not here for him. Although, I have to think that he just really likes his Dad and that it is obvious that the time that they spend together is quality. Or Jimmy just hates me and is counting down the hours until Kurt comes home and he's not the only man in the house.

1 comment:

Cassy said...

That's funny. My kids are just about the same way - asking for Dad during the day, getting SO excited when they hear them at the door. Eric works long hours, so they definately see more of me than they do him. It is certainly cute to watch their expressions the instant they hear the key in the door!