Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Clay left for Kindergarten!

So, today our neighbor, Clay, went to his first day of Kindergarten. I have known Clay since he was a year and a half old. Julia and Clay have a love hate relationship. Sometimes they discuss their marriage plans or their baby, like it is no big deal. Other times they argue and talk back to each other. Quite frankly, it sounds like a regular marriage. Anyway, Julia wanted to tell Clay in person to "Have Great Day at School", so we trudged over and the kids played before Clay left for the big day on the big yellow monster. He couldn't have been more excited in his matched clothes. Before the Bus rounded the corner, Mom gave him a big hug, as did Julia. It was so sweet. He looked like such a big kid getting on the bus...not even caring that his mom, Ellen, was on the verge of tears. He waved at us when he got on the bus and away he went down the road...onto Kindergarten. Good thing I had on my Giant Sunglasses, because I got a little choked up too. Ellen and I will probably be a mess in 2 years when we send Julia & Kyle off to Kindergarten, her last kid and my first. Who will hold up the 'Pointe while we are breaking down?

1 comment:

Cassy said...

I had Dane signed up for a preschool in Lowell and didn't really give it much thought until now. I am looking into programs here, and I am getting choked up just thinking about leaving him for 2 hours with people he doesn't know. What if he thinks I'm not coming back???