Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This Heat..Fall?

So, today it's like 90 degrees out, no breeze, freaking hot as heck. This is the summer that I hate. I really am a fall girl, but whatever. It will be here soon. It's finally September (I only know this by looking at the calendar - not by the weather), so Kurt hit the cider mill with Jimmy on Monday and got us some Cider and Spice Donuts. I now remember why I married him. He's the best. Parmenters Donuts are the best...superior & unlike any other Cider Mill Donut. It's a shame they are only available for a few months. Although, it's probably a good thing.

So, because it was Hot as you know where today, the kids were stuck inside most of the afternoon. We went to the park for a playdate this morning, but that was about it. It was still too hot. Julia wanted nothing more than to play outside and play with her friends. Some days she wants nothing more than to stay inside and watch TV or play with her Polly Pockets. On those days, i am always telling her - "It's too nice outside to play inside. You are going outside." So, today, she flipped the tables on me. After I told her that she had to stay inside and play today, she said - "But mom, it is such a beautiful day, i shouldn't play inside." So, she does listen to me. How come when i tell her to wash her hands or pick up her stuff, she doesn't hear me?

1 comment:

Libby said...

Maybe she did hear you about picking up her stuff - and that's why you can't find your ipod! :) Maybe she "put it away" for you. :)