Saturday, June 28, 2008
Think About It...
Do you ever think about all the trash your family makes? I do all the time and it freaks me out. Every time I go by a "dump" - I can't help but think of all the garbage just in there. What decomposes, what doesn't? What are we going to do when all the dumps fill up? We can only have so many ski resorts. Where will all the garbage go? Will it be sent to outer space? While it doesn't keep me up at night, I worry about what kind of earth we are leaving for our kids.
We do very well at recycling what we can. I am often freaked out when I see recyclables in the trash and have been known to fish out something to put in the bin. I grew up in a family that recycled before it was "cool", so this is probably part of my problem...since it has been ingrained. Our little city offers curbside recycling and it doesn't cost you any extra. Yet I am amazed on trash day how many people don't use their little bin - yet they have several trash cans filled to the rim. Doesn't everyone think like me? I guess not...they are perfectly happy to toss their detergent bottles and papers in the garbage instead of putting them in the little bin. It's not hard.
Maybe I am feeling a little guilty about all the diapers my kiddos have used over the last 3 1/2 years. That totally grosses me out. Would it fill our entire garage? Probably...that is nasty...but its grosser to use cloth diapers. Don't know how you did it Mom.
Kurt would probably tell me that I am nuts, but he gladly goes along with whatever I ask when it comes to being earth friendly. Even when I told him this week that we are now recycling cardboard food boxes, although I will probably have to take it to my parents' to take to their recycling center, since ours does not accept it. It's the little things that make me happy and I am glad that my husband realizes this.
Off my soap box.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Friday School anyone?
Today's random discussion was about church. Kurt and i have not been the best church goers in the past year. There is no real valid excuse, because I have lots of friends that manage to go every week. We were good about going up until Jimmy got bigger and the napping issue sort of got in the way. I suppose we could go solo, but I like to go to church as a family and Julia likes to go. In the fall, Julia will be able to attend Sunday School during the 10am Mass. We are signing her up and putting Jimmy in the nursery, so we can actually go to Church on a regular basis. Here is our conversation:
Kate: Do you want to go to Sunday School next year at our church?
Julia: Yes, but will I still be able to go to Big Kid Pre-school?
Kate: Sure, you'll go to Big Kid Pre-school and Sunday School.
Julia: Will I be going to Friday School too?
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Visiting Our Old Neighbors!!
The weather looked like it wasn't going to cooperate, but towards the end of the afternoon it did and we made a run for the beach. It is probably my favorite beach on Lake Michigan. The weather was great and Lake Michigan was a chilly 66 degrees. It did not stop the little people from swimming and playing. They had so much fun.
Sunday morning, after our giant breakfast, the kids were treated to a tractor ride around their property (they actually have acreage, something not too common in our area). The kids loved it!
The New Swingset
Just a typical exchange between Julia & Jimmy
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I am in love with my iPod!
After loading some great music on it, I have really started to enjoy working out. I can spend an hour on the elliptical rocking out to Brittney, Madonna & Gwen, flipping through my magazines without even being bored. But my latest find on this iPod is loading it with audio books. OH MY cool is it to be doing housework and listen to a great book? I actually want to unload the dishwasher. The time flies by and I get to actually read again. I am pretty busy and rarely find the time to just sit and read a book. Listening to the books is just as enjoyable as reading them.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I am the Newest Food Network TV Star!
- Rachel Ray - without the silly catch phrases
- Paula Deen - because I like all that butter
- Sandra Lee - because I like her shortcuts and always up for a cocktail at the end
- Marth Stewart - because lets face it, I am a crafty person and love being a "homemaker"
The reality is that I am just me and my regular audience are 2 short people and a guy who will pretty much eat it if it is homemade. My sous chef is shown below. She thinks I am the best "cooker" and is oh so helpful in the kitchen.
The weather here today is sort of wacky. It's chilly and overcast and feels like it's fall. We went to a kids music in the park today with some friends from my church's moms group. While Panera was calling my name to come in and grab a cookie, I refrained and promised if Jimmy stayed sleeping that Julia and I would make cookies. We decided on frosted sugar cookies from my neighbor Ellen's recipe. But we couldn't stop there, we also made banana bread, because I had some nasty lookin bananas and I can throw it in the freezer for when I want a sweet treat. But wait, there is more. We also made Kurt's Italian Grandma's Sauce and Meatballs. It is so 1950s over here today. I am so glad that I am able to stay home and do this fun stuff with Julia. Thanks Kurt for shouldering the burden, so I can sleep until 9am, take our kids to fun stuff during the day and cook and bake. My cup runeth over!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Busy Saturday!
What Cute Cousins...Julia, Jimmy & Olivia
The fireworks were quite a show, lasting for about 45 minutes! The kids were all wide awake and running around like they hadn't been hopped up on sugar and were way past their bedtime.
Part of the Neighborhood Gang - Clay (of the country band ClayKyle), Julia & Will
Travis, Olivia, Lib & JimmyWhat a weekend and I have finally recovered...Julia is already looking forward to next year.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Julia: "I don't know her"
Mom: "She lives in Heaven with Tiko & Grandpa."
Julia: "Oh, the angels took her?"
Mom: "Yeah, they took her to live with God."
Julia: "I think they should come back. Next time we are in an airplane we should go get them."
Ahh - if it was that simple my little girl. She really has been asking lots of questions about our old dog (who has been gone for 2 years now) and really is gunning for him to come back or to get another dog (who we should also name Tiko). I don't want to scare her about death, so far she seems to be okay with the Heaven part. Although, I wish I could see the world through her eyes and really think that our loved ones could come back. So much has changed in my life since my Grandparents and Kurt's dad have passed. I'd love to just see their faces when they are looking down at us, seeing how our lives have turned out, how we have these 2 beautiful kids and a pretty great life. I miss them. I wonder how things would be if they were still around. My kids have so many wonderful people in their life that love them, that they don't even know what they are missing by not knowing these fantastic people...but I do.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Girls and Boys are so Different!
Monday, June 9, 2008
I Love My Neighbors!
We have a almost monthly Bunko, we have a block party, but best of all I know that I can count on my neighbors for just about anything. Dawn & her family have lived here since the sub was built. Ellen & family moved in just after we did, we experienced being new together. All of our kids play together great. What is even better is that Dawn and Ellen stay home too, so I have 2 ladies in close proximity who understand the tough job it is to stay home with your kids. I can leave my kids with them, I can get an egg, we trade magazines, coupons and pass off free cosmetics that aren't working for us. It was fantastic.
But it gets better - we swap childcare so that one day a week, all the kids go to one of our houses for 2 hours so the other 2 moms can go run errands or do whatever without 2 little helpers. That is fantastic....but it gets better. We also make meals for each other. Each week, one of us makes 2 extra meals and takes it to the other 2. It's not that hard to make 3 times as much food one night, but it is so great to have a meal where you didn't have to cook or dirty up a dish. Tonight Ellen made some meatballs and pasta with olive oil and Parmesan cheese. It was fantastic.
In my wildest dreams, I never imagined that I'd have these types of neighbors, but I THANK GOD for them everyday.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
A Glimpse of Our Lives BK (Before Kids)
Our long weekends are always a glimpse of what it was like for us before we had kids and the responsibility that entails. Although we still have the same worries, not having to think about what time it is and who ate what when is great. We took in a Tiger Game Friday night (they lost), went out afterwards for a few hours. We finished the swing set, cleaned up the house, hung some shelving, went to dinner at 7:30pm, took a stroll and our favorite part....we got to hang out at Borders for 2 hours! Before we had kids, we loved to go to the bookstore and read magazines and books while drinking coffee. We don't get to do that with little kids running around. We go to the library now, where it is okay to be a little louder (in the kids section), but it doesn't have the same feel as the bookstore. Last night Kurt said to me "This was such a great day!" Really, it was - we love our kids, but I think we need these weekends alone more than even we realize!
Why Blog Now?
The main reason why I am starting this blog is that it will function as my public journal for the kids. As many of you know, I am a big scrapbooker. Unfortunately, I don't have tons of time these days to work on my favorite hobby therefore I am closing in on being about 2 years behind. By the time I scrapbook the pictures, i totally forget what was going on in our lives and what the kids were doing. I have a calendar, but that doesn't really tell me what happened and who said what.
My other reason for blogging is that I have really been bad about keeping my favorite people up to date on what is happening in our lives. So, this will be my attempt at it and hopefully will help me be more efficient in retelling the same story a million times.
So, read the blog if you want. I promise that I will try to be witty and funny and draw you back. But most of all I promise that I will share my lovely family with all of you which is the source of my zest for life.