Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Girls and Boys are so Different!

Julia and Jimmy have been raised pretty much the the same. Granted Julia got more of my undivided and new parent excitement attention, but nevertheless - these kids are raised the same. I never quite grasped the whole boys and girls are different until I experienced it myself. At the same age, Julia was clearly saying so many more words than Jimmy and played so sweetly. Jimmy on the other hand says about 30 random words, but only when he choses. He prefers to grunt and point or just say "Mine" to just about anything. This could mean his cup, his blankey, his hat, my cell phone - the list goes on. He plays so much rougher than she did. Everything becomes airborne and he never walks anywhere. He knows how to get to his sister and take her polly pockets or whatever fun thing she is playing with. He plays with cars and makes the sounds. I didn't teach him that. Boys just have these inate qualities to be boyish. Girls somehow know how to play like a lady and be civilized. I remember when Julia was little, my friends with boys would ask me where she was developmentally and she'd usually be ahead of where the boys were. I read at the time that this was normal...well I hope it is, because this is the way it is at my house these days.

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