Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I am the Newest Food Network TV Star!

In my dreams, I'm a combination of:
  • Rachel Ray - without the silly catch phrases

  • Paula Deen - because I like all that butter

  • Sandra Lee - because I like her shortcuts and always up for a cocktail at the end

  • Marth Stewart - because lets face it, I am a crafty person and love being a "homemaker"

The reality is that I am just me and my regular audience are 2 short people and a guy who will pretty much eat it if it is homemade. My sous chef is shown below. She thinks I am the best "cooker" and is oh so helpful in the kitchen.

The weather here today is sort of wacky. It's chilly and overcast and feels like it's fall. We went to a kids music in the park today with some friends from my church's moms group. While Panera was calling my name to come in and grab a cookie, I refrained and promised if Jimmy stayed sleeping that Julia and I would make cookies. We decided on frosted sugar cookies from my neighbor Ellen's recipe. But we couldn't stop there, we also made banana bread, because I had some nasty lookin bananas and I can throw it in the freezer for when I want a sweet treat. But wait, there is more. We also made Kurt's Italian Grandma's Sauce and Meatballs. It is so 1950s over here today. I am so glad that I am able to stay home and do this fun stuff with Julia. Thanks Kurt for shouldering the burden, so I can sleep until 9am, take our kids to fun stuff during the day and cook and bake. My cup runeth over!


Libby said...

I'd rather go to work than do all that cooking and baking crap! :) Sounds exhausting! I'm glad my sister is Martha though!

Cassy said...

Sleeping in late...that's the best part!