Sunday, June 22, 2008

Visiting Our Old Neighbors!!

The people that used to live right behind us relocated to the other side of the state this past winter. It was all pretty sad over here when Steve, Kelly & Ethan left, but we promised to visit and after a failed attempt in the winter, we finally made it. We road tripped with our other neighbors, Tim, Ellen, Clay & Kyle. The kids all get along so well, because they have basically grown up together. The kids picked up where they left off and had a ball. Jimmy was happy to see a house full of only boy toys like big trucks. Julia played pirates and other boy games. She kind of forgets she is the only girl until the boys remind her, then she gets mad.

The weather looked like it wasn't going to cooperate, but towards the end of the afternoon it did and we made a run for the beach. It is probably my favorite beach on Lake Michigan. The weather was great and Lake Michigan was a chilly 66 degrees. It did not stop the little people from swimming and playing. They had so much fun.

Sunday morning, after our giant breakfast, the kids were treated to a tractor ride around their property (they actually have acreage, something not too common in our area). The kids loved it!

The only minor freak out incident was when Jimmy decided he was big enough to operate the electric quad and he was standing on the "gas" which in turn sent him barrelling towards the house. He narrowly escaped a collision and was saved by Tim & Kelly. Ellen and I watched the scene unfold in horror with the slow motion "Noooooooo........." Thank God they were close enough and grabbed him in time. I am afraid our perfect weekend would have been spent in some ER. Our little Jimmy is going to definitely earn his nickname of "Danger Boy."

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