Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Block Party!

On Saturday, our sub had their annual block party. It turned out to mostly be a party of those of us that get together all the time anyway. Oh well...it was still nice to have a formal evening planned versus or normal last minute planning. The weather wasn't the best, it was hot and muggy, raining at times, but that didn't stop the fun.

Jimmy crying...this bunks the comment of "He's such a happy guy!"
Julia decorating our driveway
Last year we had a blast using a water balloon launcher and sending water balloons across the street. All the kids got a few tries (of course with help). Later on, the adults took turns trying to nail Kurt on the swingset across the street. He managed to stay dry from that episode. However, our neighbor (and babysitter) got Kurt with a water balloon earlier and I guess she got a run for her money from a 37 year old guy. Kurt couldn't remember the last time he ran that fast.
Jimmy doing the launcher. Safety first - he has on Julia's helmet...just in case.

Kurt helps Julia launch a pink balloon (as if she'd pick another color!)

The kids were all up late and the adults even later. We ended the night in our garage (because it was raining) listening to an 80s flashback station, trying to guess the year the song was out. Thank God for Google.

The next morning was a little rough, but we recovered!

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