Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Don't Wake A Sleeping Baby!

One of my "jobs" at night is to check on the kids before I go to sleep. I am a night owl and I'm often up until 12:30 or 1am, so it's usually pretty late. As usual at midnight Julia woke up in a crazy night terror that only stops once I put her on the potty. Crisis averted. When i checked on her before I retired, she was sawing logs surrounded by Barbies and Polly Pockets. Jimmy also appeared to be sound asleep, but when I moved closer, he was startled awake. While I wouldn't say he's a light sleeper at all, for some reason I think he can "smell" me and it wakes him up. I used to get irritated when he'd wake up and I'd have to get him back to sleep, but not so much anymore. When Jimmy is awake, he rarely sits still or even wants to be cuddled. When he wakes up, he's quick to go right back to sleep in your arms. It's selfish of me to hoard this love at night. I should get Kurt too, but he's also snoring away (a family trait). Anyway, last night I was struck by how big my baby is. He was laying along my body and his feet were past my knees. While I miss the little baby times, I don't miss all the sleepless nights and sole dependency that went with it. I guess I will take these nights with a sleeping cuddle-er and remember those days when most of my time was spend holding them.

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