Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Julia (AKA The Staller)

Julia is having a hard time going to bed at night. There are several possible reasons. It is so darn light out for so late that I too would have a hard time going to bed. Most nights she doesn't fall asleep until after 9:30 or so (once is is dark). It could also be because she is starting to realize that Mom & Dad have snacks and watch TV after she goes to bed. It could also be because she is 3 and that is what 3 year olds do. We used to have a child lock on the inside of her door so she couldn't get out of her room, but she's getting bigger now, so we've taken it off. The problem is that she comes out of her room about 4 or 5 times before she's down for the night.

Last Night's Series of Events:

8:25 Kate puts Julia to bed. She says she's hungry. She probably is...she barely ate dinner. We said if she didn't eat (homemade ravioli - what is wrong with this little Italian Girl) that she'd get nothing at all. We caved and took her up some pretzels.

8:50 Julia comes out of her room

  • Julia: Someones wakin' me up.
  • Kurt: Who?
  • Julia: Ummm.....Ummm...Baby Duck (a stuffed animal).
  • Kurt: Why don't you just play on your bed for a while with your dolls.
  • Julia going back to room

8:52 Julia comes out of her room

  • Julia: I need help getting my barbies.
  • Kurt: You can get them.
  • Julia: No I can't.
  • Kurt: Yes you can.
  • Julia: Um...I'll give you five bucks.
  • Kurt: You don't have five bucks.
  • Julia: Yes I do.
  • Kurt: I am not taking your money...go back to your room. If I have to come up there, I am putting the lock back on the door.
  • Sound of Julia going back to her room, door shutting.

9:15 Julia comes out of her room

  • Julia: There's too much stuff in my bed, I can't go to sleep
  • Kate: Pick it up off your bed and go to sleep.
  • Julia: I want you to help me.
  • Kate: Just pick it up and go to bed.
  • Julia: But...
  • Kate: If we have to come up there, the lock is going back on.
  • Sound of running to room and toys getting put away.

9:18 Julia comes out of her room carrying a big coffee can of her "mannequins" which are little Disney Princess Figurines.

  • Julia: Umm....This is too heavy, I need help.
  • Kurt: Take it back to your room and go to bed.
  • Julia: It's too heavy.
  • Kurt: Then leave it right there.
  • Julia: I want you to hold me.
  • Kurt goes upstairs to hold her for a minute.

After all this, she is finally in bed. Ugh. This happens every night. I have a feeling the lock's going back on tonight.


Cassy said...

Too funny! We haven't run into anything like that yet. Dane is very good at staying in his bed so far. Although, our house is so small he can see and hear what we are doing after he's in there. I have a feeling once we move, he may venture out a little more. Abel, on the other hand, is still confined in his crib. He is such a monkey, we can't believe he hasn't tried to get out of it yet. Once he does, we're in for it. I don't think he's going to do very well staying in his bed.

Libby said...

I am dreading moving Olivia to a big girl bed. It will be a nightmare!

The funny thing is that I can totally hear Julia saying these things - and Kurt! :)