Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Cousins are Here

Meghan, Julia, Jimmy & Christina

Kurt's brother, Jim, and his family moved to Kansas City 2 years ago. It was supposed to be a short term assignment, but it is turning into something more. We don't know when they're coming back, but we miss them. Fortunately, we still see them several times a year. Right now, they are here visiting and staying at Kurt's mom's house. It's nice having them here. On Sunday, mom made a big breakfast (complete with sausage gravy & biscuits) and the whole family was there. It was like "old times" when everyone lived in the same area. It was so much fun for the kids (and us too). I am sure that mom is enjoying having more of her family under her roof for a short time.

Julia is beside herself this week. Christina (14) & Meghan (10) are the light of her life and she talks about them constantly. The girls are great with her. I am sure that it is not their idea of the most fabulous time ever to hang out with a 3 year old, but they do. Last night, Julia got to have a slumber party at mom's with them. She came home this morning and was just so excited and had a fabulous time.

We will top off their trip with a visit to Mexican Town to our favorite restaurant, Xocci's. At least we will have some great burritos and guac to help our sadness in that we won't see them until September.

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