Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer TV...or lack thereof

I love summer. Even though the kids are small, we still have lots going on during the school year, so it's nice to take a break from our schedule. We wake up late, go to bed late and just enjoy each day without the pressure of where we HAVE to be or when we HAVE to go to bed. With all this free time, I would enjoy a little TV at night after the kiddos go to bed...but alas, the networks have also taken a summer vacation. During the rest of the year, our DVR often fills up to capacity if we go a week or so without watching any TV...there is so much on and often we have to stop recording a specific show, because we never get to it. This is sad, because now it's summer and we are watching about 4 shows. Fortunately it's baseball season, so at least there is something Kurt will watch.

Anyhow...here is what is on rotation on our DVR these days...

  1. Army Wives (Lifetime) - I actually think it is one of my favorite shows. If I don't cry at least 3 times during an episode, something is wrong. Nothing like a good cry to make you feel better, even if it is about fictitious people in real situations. Kurt doesn't watch this one.
  2. It's Complicated - Denise Richards (E) -I love this one. I think Kurt watches it occasionally, but probably only because she's hot. I like Denise. If she lived in my neighborhood, we'd totally be friends. She's down to earth and from the Midwest. She also swears like a trucker...maybe that's why I like her. She is coming off like a decent human being...Charlie Sheen better get his own reality TV show to boost his PR.
  3. Intervention (A&E) - This one is definitely a wake up call to America. We can't get enough of this voyeurism. Basically it goes into the life of an addict (drugs, alcohol, etc) and shows them dealing with their problem and the end the family stages an intervention to get them to go to rehab. Kurt and I watch this show and think we can't ever get divorced, because usually that is when the kid turns to the dark side..."He was always such a happy kid, until his father ran off with his secretary...I don't know what went wrong?" Ugh...hello - maybe you should have been a little more strict or perhaps not let him get away with some of the stunts he pulled as a teenager. This show just affirms our parenting style of not being your kid's friend...and being a strict parent. Anyway, Kurt is waiting for the perfect episode where the addicted person refuses to go to treatment at all...they always do, but the results aren't always Rosy.
  4. Swingtown (CBS) - This one is set in the 70s in Chicago and follows this couple that become swingers after being introduced to the lifestyle after moving to a new neighborhood. It really is a bad show, but Kurt and I like to watch it because there is this cheesy guy (who used to be on Melrose) and he always has cheesy lines. Plus it's fun to see all the 70s stuff and music. We are in no way affiliated with the swinging lifestyle, nor do we want to be.

So that and the occasional movie that's on, we're not watching a lot of TV...but I have read alot of books. Guess that is better anyway.

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